Tasks, Paths and Practices of Further Deepening the Comprehensive Reform of College Logistics in the Context of Developing New Quality Productive Forces
摘要: 高等教育是教育强国建设的龙头,肩负着为中国式现代化提供强有力人才支撑和智力支持的重大使命。进一步全面深化高校后勤改革,是加快推进高等教育综合改革的必然要求和重点任务。新时代新征程,高校要积极构建适应新质生产力需要的高质量后勤运行保障体系,在改革任务上把握“时”和“势”,在改革路径上找准“桥”和“路”,在改革实践中抓好“谋”和“干”,以全面深化后勤改革、全面提高高校治理体系和治理能力现代化水平。Abstract: Higher education takes the leading role in building an educationally strong nation, bearing the critical mission of providing talent support and intellectual resources for Chinese-style modernization. Further deepening the comprehensive reform of college logistics system is an inevitable requirement and key task in accelerating the comprehensive reform of higher education. On the new journey of the new era, colleges and universities should actively establish a high-quality logistics operation and support system that meets the needs of new quality productive forces, seize the right time and opportunity for reform tasks, identify the right bridges and paths for reform strategies, and ensure both strategic planning and practical implementation in reform practices. Ultimately, our goal is to improve the modernization of the governance system and capacity in colleges and universities.
Key words:
- new quality productive forces /
- college logistics /
- deepening reform
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