The Value Implication and Practical Exploration of the Whole-Course Tutorial System for Undergraduates
摘要: 本科教育在人才培养工作中占据基础地位,如何推动本科教育理念和方式不断变革,谋求本科教育体制机制的创新发展是提升教育质量的关键所在。本科生全程导师制从学生多样化、个性化的需求出发,注重因材施教,逐渐成为提升人才培养质量的关键手段之一,并在教学实践中不断得到创新和优化。文章以北京科技大学近年来推行的本科生全程导师制为例,针对8 921名本科生进行在校生满意度调查,分析得出该导师制在思想引导、学术指导以及创业就业等方面充分发挥了教师的积极作用,获得了广大学生的高度认可,由此探索构建符合新时代人才培养需求的本科人才培养新模式。Abstract: Undergraduate education plays a fundamental role in talent cultivation. How to promote the continuous transformation of undergraduate education concepts and methods, and seek innovative development of undergraduate education system and mechanisms is the key to improving the quality of education. Starting from the diverse and personalized needs of students, and focusing on teaching students according to their aptitude, the whole-course tutorial system for undergraduates has gradually become one of the key means to improve the quality of talent cultivation, and has been continuously innovated and optimized in teaching practice. This paper takes the whole-course tutorial system for undergraduates implemented by University of Science and Technology Beijing in recent years as an example, and conducts a student satisfaction survey of
8921 undergraduates and analyses that the mentorship system has fully played the positive role of teachers in ideological guidance, academic guidance, entrepreneurship and employment, and has been highly recognized by students. It explores the construction of a new undergraduate talent training model that meets the needs of the new era. -
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