Optimizing the Layout of Universities in Beijing to Serve BTH Coordinated DevelopmentExploration and Practice of the Planning and Construction of the Xiong’an Campus of University of Science and Technology Beijing
摘要: 建设教育强国,龙头是高等教育。在京高校布局与国家及地方经济社会发展密切相关,与人民群众对优质高等教育资源的期盼密切相关。随着科教兴国、人才强国、创新驱动发展和京津冀协同发展、北京非首都功能疏解、雄安新区建设等战略任务的实施推进,在京高校布局建设面临着前所未有的战略机遇和挑战。推进在京高校非首都功能疏解要重点做好加强顶层规划设计、坚持以疏解促发展、健全工作机制、完善政策保障体系四个方面工作,高质量推进在京高校雄安校区规划建设,优化拓展在京高校办学空间,深度服务国家及区域经济社会发展。Abstract: Higher education plays a leading role in building a strong educational country. The layout of colleges and universities in Beijing is closely related to the economic and social development of the country and the local community, as well as the people’s expectations for quality higher education resources. With the strategy of national rejuvenation through science and education, reinvigorating China through human resource development, innovation-driven development and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei collaborative development, as well as the promotion of Beijing non-capital functions and Xiong’an New Area construction and other strategic tasks, the layout of colleges and universities in Beijing is facing unprecedented strategic opportunities and challenges. To promote the non-capital functions of universities in Beijing, we should focus on four aspects, namely strengthening the top-level planning and design, adhering to promote development through the evacuation, improving the working mechanism, and perfecting the policy guarantee system. It serves to promote the planning and construction of Xiong'an Campus of universities in Beijing with high quality, optimize and expand the space for running schools in universities in Beijing, and facilitate the national and regional economic and social development in depth.
Key words:
- Universities in Beijing /
- Xiong’an New Area /
- relieving /
- development /
- planning and construction
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