Ethical Undertones, Generative landscapes, and Ethical Traits of Xi Jinping’s Important Discourses on Scientific and Technological Innovation
摘要: 习近平关于科技创新重要论述中蕴含着丰富的伦理思考,为新质生产力的培育塑造提供了价值基准。文章从科技与伦理关系的核心问题着手,基于元伦理范畴和伦理行为的道德总原则,剖析习近平关于科技创新重要论述的价值伦理基本内容,以科技向善为基础涉及价值引领、价值旨归、价值守护、价值创造四个方面,归纳生成图景包括马克思主义科技思想的理论基点、中华优秀传统文化源头、当代科技革命趋势和党史百年奋斗历史经验四重角度构成。该生成图景呈现了习近平关于科技创新重要论述的鲜明特质,体现为基础制度层面,在全面发展与个性解放的追求中超越单向度发展;科技活动层面,在工具理性与价值理性的融合中实现人文关怀的回归;科技职业层面,在整体思维与个体思维双向互动中实现合成与分解的协调。Abstract: The important discourse of Xi Jinping on scientific and technological innovation contains rich ethical thinking, which provides a value benchmark for the cultivation and shaping of new quality productive forces. Starting from the core issue of the relationship between science and technology and ethics, and based on meta-ethical categories and the general principles of ethical behavior, this paper analyzes the basic content of value ethics in Xi Jinping’s important discourse on science and technology innovation. Based on the goodness of science and technology involves four aspects: value guidance, value purpose, value guardianship, and value creation, and summarizes its generative picture from four perspectives: the theoretical basis of Marxist scientific and technological thought, the source of Chinese excellent traditional culture, the trend of the contemporary scientific and technological revolution, and the experience of a hundred years of struggle in the history of the Party. This generative picture presents the distinctive traits of Xi Jinping’s important discourse on scientific and technological innovation, which is reflected at the basic system level, transcending unidirectional development in the pursuit of comprehensive development and personality liberation; at the level of scientific and technological activities, realizing the return of humanistic care in the fusion of instrumental rationality and value rationality; and at the level of scientific and technological professions, realizing the coordination of synthesis and disintegration in the two-way interaction between holistic thinking and individual thinking.
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