Research on High-Quality Integrated Development of Reading Promotion in University Libraries in the New Era
摘要: 阅读是大学人才培养的一个重要环节,高校图书馆是大学开展阅读推广的主要阵地。坚持高质量发展理念做好新时代阅读推广工作,是高校图书馆的重要使命。文章结合北京科技大学图书馆阅读推广的实践探索,从资源融合、服务融合、文化融合和场域融合四个维度,总结高校图书馆走好高质量阅读推广之路的做法和经验,为高校图书馆阅读推广工作提供借鉴和启示。Abstract: Reading is an important part of talent cultivation in universities, and university libraries are the main positions for promoting reading in universities. Adhering to the concept of high-quality development and doing a good job in promoting reading in the new era is an important mission of university libraries. The article combines the reading promotion practice of the library of University of Science and Technology Beijing, summarizes the practices and experiences of high-quality reading promotion in university libraries from four aspects: resource integration, service integration, cultural integration, and field integration, and provides reference and inspiration for the reading promotion work of university libraries.
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