Research on the Ethical Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
摘要: 目前,人工智能算法已经深度嵌入人类的生产活动和日常生活的毛细血管,其自主性引致的非确定性,促使不可解释性和不可预测性成为算法伦理的难题;其在应用场景中引发的算法偏见、算法歧视和个人隐私保护等,也形成了一定的伦理风险。同时,人工智能算法的复杂性深刻挑战了传统的伦理规则体系,造成了算法的归责性难题。因此,有必要通过增进人工智能算法的确定性、推动人工智能算法的科学应用、明确人工智能算法的责任主体、构建一定的容错空间、回归人工智能算法技术本身等方面加以规制,从而推进人工智能算法的良善发展。Abstract: At present, artificial intelligence algorithms have been deeply embedded in the capillaries of human production activities and daily life, impacting the ethical order of human society and generating ethical risks of artificial intelligence algorithms. The autonomy of artificial intelligence algorithms leads to non-determinism, making unexplainability and unpredictability a difficult problem in algorithm ethics. Artificial intelligence algorithms have caused ethical risks such as algorithm bias, algorithm discrimination, and personal privacy protection in application scenarios. The complexity of artificial intelligence algorithms profoundly challenges the traditional ethical rule system and causes the problem of algorithm accountability. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate by improving the certainty of artificial intelligence algorithms, promoting the scientific application of artificial intelligence algorithms, clarifying the responsible subjects of artificial intelligence algorithms, building a certain fault tolerance space, and returning to artificial intelligence algorithm technology itself, so as to promote the good development of artificial intelligence algorithms.
Key words:
- artificial intelligence algorithms /
- ethical risks /
- ethical regulation
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