The Value Implication, Contradictory Situation and Implementation Path of Precise Ideology and Politics in Universities in the Era of Big Data
摘要: 大数据时代,传统思想政治教育与前沿技术深度融合,促进精准教育理念在高校思想政治教育发展中实现新突破。同时,高校实施精准思政面临传统观念与精准思维冲突、信息茧房与数据孤岛困境、技术风险与思维固化危机,需要高校思想政治教育工作者联合多方力量从理论、技术、实践等不同维度探索多样化对策,实现数字技术赋能高校精准思政高质量发展。Abstract: In the era of big data, traditional ideological and political education is deeply integrated with cutting-edge technology, which promotes the concept of precision education to achieve new breakthroughs in the development of ideological and political education in universities. At the same time, the implementation of precision ideology and politics in universities faces the conflict between traditional concepts and precise thinking, the dilemma of information cocoons and data islands, the crisis of technological risks and thinking enslavement. And it is necessary for ideological and political educators in universities to unite multiple forces to explore diversified countermeasures from different dimensions such as theory, technology and practice, so as to realize the high-quality development of precision ideology and politics empowered by digital technology.
Key words:
- big data /
- universities /
- precise ideology and politics /
- digitization
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