Lenin’s Exploration on Social Psychology from the Perspective of Historical Materialism and its Enlightenment
摘要: 列宁在领导俄国革命与建设的实践中不仅继承和发展了马克思主义,而且开拓了马克思主义研究的新领域,关于社会心理的理论探索和实践运用就是其重要理论创新。他坚持以历史唯物主义为指导,对社会心理进行了科学的界定和阐发,不仅阐发了社会心理的唯物史观特征,还分析了其重要作用。他借助宏观历史、微观生活以及社会存在和社会意识辩证关系原理等三重维度来从理论上分析和阐发社会心理;同时,他还从掌握人民群众的社会心理、重视社会心理建设、培育无产阶级的阶级心理等维度来将理论运用于实践,包括重视社会心理建设、掌握人民群众心理诉求、运用社会心理分析方法等具体内容,这些都为新时代我们从理论和实践双重向度关注社会心理提供了有益启示。Abstract: In the practice of leading the Russian revolution and construction, Lenin not only inherited and developed Marxism, but also opened up a new field of Marxist research, and the theoretical exploration and practical application of social psychology were his important theoretical innovations. He insisted on the guidance of historical materialism, and carried on the scientific definition and interpretation of social psychology, not only explained the characteristics of historical materialism of social psychology, but also analyzed its important role. He analyzed and elucidated social psychology theoretically from the three dimensions of macro history, micro life and the dialectical relationship between social existence and social consciousness. At the same time, he also applied theory to practice from the dimensions of mastering the social psychology of the masses, attaching importance to the construction of social psychology, cultivating the class psychology of the proletariat, etc. All these provide beneficial enlightenment for us to pay attention to social psychology from both theoretical and practical aspects in the new era. It includes paying attention to the construction of social psychology, mastering the psychological demands of the people, and using the method of social psychological analysis.
Key words:
- social psychology /
- historical materialism /
- Lenin
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