Research on the High-quality Development Path of State Key Laboratories Empowered by Grass-roots Party Building in the New Era
摘要: 国家重点实验室是国家战略科技力量的重要组成部分,是加快实现我国高水平科技自立自强的重要支撑。高质量党建是国家重点实验室高质量发展的重要内核,党建与科研深度融合、创新党建工作模式是强化党对科技事业的全面领导、提升国家重点实验室党建工作实效的必由之路。文章以当前形势下国家重点实验室发展中强化基层党建的重要意义为基础,并结合新金属材料国家重点实验室15年党建探索与建设实践,提出“141—AMM”党建工作模式,从加强科研型党组织的引领力、组织力、感召力和攻坚力等方面提供高质量发展的现实路径。Abstract: The state key laboratory is an important part of the national strategic scientific and technological strength, and it is an important support for accelerating the realization of China’s high-level scientific and technological self-reliance. High-quality Party building is an important core for the high-quality development of state key laboratories. The deep integration of Party building and scientific research and the innovation of Party building work mode are the only way to strengthen the Party’s overall leadership over science and technology and improve the effectiveness of Party building work in the state key laboratories. Based on the significance of strengthening grass-roots Party building in the development of state key laboratories under the current situation, and combined with the exploration and construction practice of Party building in the State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials for 15 years, this paper puts forward the ‘141-AMM’ Party building work mode, which provides a realistic path of high-quality development from the aspects of strengthening the leading, organizing, appealing and tackling capabilities of scientific research-oriented Party organizations.
图 1 国家重点实验室科研型党组织建设机制结构图
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