Constructing a Chinese Route and Ecosophy for Double Carbon Discourse through the News Reports from China Daily and Xinhua
摘要: 绿色低碳和可持续发展已成为全球共识,中国作为最大的发展中国家提出的碳达峰碳中和双碳目标是对构建人类命运共同体的庄严承诺,中国主流国际媒体是国际社会了解中国践行双碳目标的重要窗口,也是争取绿色转型舆论话语权的重要阵地。文章依托系统功能语言学的及物系统理论,结合主位系统、引语实践和概念隐喻理论,对中国主流国际媒体的10篇双碳英文报道进行了生态话语分析。研究在验证了报道一致呈现“多元和谐,交互共生”生态观的基础上,提出适用于指导双碳话语的“先立后破,破界重生”的双碳话语生态观。文章不仅探索了系统功能语言学对外融合的灵活性和操作性,也拓展了中国式生态哲学价值观内涵,健全了中国双碳话语分析理论与实践体系。Abstract: Green low-carbon development with sustainability has become a global consensus. The dual-carbon goal of carbon emission peak and carbon neutrality proposed by China as the largest developing country is a solemn commitment to build a community with a shared future for mankind. The Chinese mainstream international media is an important window for the international community to understand China’s implementation of the dual-carbon goal, and an important position to fight for the right of discourse on public opinion on green transformation. This study draws upon the transitivity, the theme, quotation practice, and conceptual metaphor to analyze the eco-discourse of 10 English-language news reports on dual-carbon in the mainstream Chinese international media. This study proves that the “diversity and harmony, interaction and co-existence ecosophy” underpins the reports and thereby establishes an ecosophy of “establishing the new before breaking the old, breaking the boundary before undergoing a rebirth” for the discourse of double carbon. This study hence investigates the flexibility and operability of a systematic integration between systematic functional linguistics and discursive analysis, expands the dimension of China-specific ecosophy, and refines China’s “double carbon” discursive system both theoretically and practically.
图 1 生态及物过程类型图
图 2 双碳话语生态分析体系化理论框架图
图 3 双碳话语生态观图
表 1 报道语篇过程类型分布表
序号 过程类型 频次 百分比/% 1 社会行动类动作过程 443 56 2 社会交流类心理过程 103 13 3 社会识别和归属类关系过程 82 10 4 社会拥有类关系过程 31 4 5 社会意愿类心理过程 24 3 6 社会认知类心理过程 21 3 7 社会创造类动作过程 20 3 8 社会关联类关系过程 19 2 9 社会位置类关系过程 14 2 10 社会发生类动作过程 8 1 11 社会感知类心理过程 8 1 12 社会方向类关系过程 7 1 13 社会情感类心理过程 4 1 14 社会存在类关系过程 3 0 15 社会行为类动作过程 2 0 表 2 施事类参与者主题类别统计分布表
施事类参与者主题 频次 百分/% 中国 98 25 ESG,中国建材股份有限公司 57 14 参与中国双碳转型的外企 38 10 中国储能行业 35 9 新能源汽车 34 9 金融 29 7 中国低碳转型 29 7 公正转型 20 5 能源行业 16 4 中外高排放企业转型 15 4 中美能源转型合作 8 2 中国经济政策制定者 8 2 其他 8 2 表 3 社会交流类心理过程引语方式和交流方主题分布表
转述方式 频次 百分比/% 交流方主题词(按出现次数由高到低排列) 直接引语 55 59 能源、化工、汽车、金融行业国内外企业高管,中国行业协会高层,中国经济规划主管部门高层,
国际能源署署长消息来源 26 28 中国可持续发展报告和方案,有关能源、汽车产业和就业的研究报告,国际气候大会和新能源汽车大会,中美阳光之乡声明 间接引语 12 13 习近平总书记在参加十三届全国人大五次会议内蒙古代表团审议时的发言,投资中国储能行业中外企业,能源国企,中国化学与物理电源行业协会官员;中国主管经济规划的部门 表 4 社会识别和归属类关系过程标记/载体主题类别分布表
标记或载体主题词 频次 百分比/% 中国绿色转型和双碳目标 21 26 ESG 12 15 中国 9 11 新能源汽车 9 11 就业 8 10 重点高排放行业 7 9 金融 4 5 中国碳排放 4 5 中国储能行业 3 4 国外矿业企业在华投资 2 2 气候生态问题 2 2 新冠疫情 1 1 表 5 参与者角色主位类别分布表
主位类别 频次 百分比/% 物理性参与者角色主位 174 46 社会性参与者角色主位 146 39 人类参与者角色主位 51 14 物理性参与者角色主位、社会性参与者角色主位复合主位 4 1 表 6 概念隐喻类型及实例统计表
概念隐喻类型 实例 双碳实现是旅程 To pave the way for a more eco-friendly future, China has set a goal of peaking carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and reaching carbon neutrality before 2060. China navigates the next phase in its development, harnessing a plethora of exciting sustainable technologies. China will optimize the path and manner to achieve the dual carbon goals and balance the pace and intensity of the effort. The promising market prospects, fueled by policy tailwinds, serve as the driving force for new-energy conglomerates and competent businesses as they compete on the emerging track of the energy storage sector 绿色转型是旅程 Effective transformation of the building materials industry into an environmentally friendly sector can
be a path leading to growth.一带一路是旅程 The BRI is a path leading to a prosperous future while ESG supports people’s yearning for better lives. 能源转型是旅程 Technological innovation is the major driver of the energy transition, which necessitates a systematic plan with phased targets. 储能行业发展是旅程 China’s dual carbon goal and targeted policies have provided strong tailwinds, enabling the country’s energy storage businesses to thrive amid the rapidly evolving market competition. 清洁能源开发是竞技 With excellent progress in developing solar and wind power, electric vehicles, and power batteries, China is a champion of the world in clean energy, said Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency. China is a leading investor in renewable energy development. 新能源汽车制造是竞技 China’s rapid rise to prominence in the electric and intelligent vehicle sector has positioned the country to
become the world’s leading automotive exporter.The country is also a global leader in the new energy vehicle (NEV) industry, with NEV sales ranking first globally for the past eight consecutive years. 零碳是减法运算 The third phase is the pursuit of carbon neutrality in the period from 2050 to 2060, wherein the remaining greenhouse emissions will be offset by negative emissions technologies and land carbon sinks. -
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