An Exploration into Lexical Semantic Innovation in Light of the Theory of Semogenesis
摘要: 哲学—逻辑学走向的词汇语义研究洞见了词汇意义的诸多规律。然而,这一研究范式持客观主义意义观,忽略人和语境因素,词义创新研究未受到应有重视。修辞学—民俗学走向的意义研究持经验现实主义意义观,认为意义发生发展于人与人、人与环境的互动。意义进化视阈的词义创新探究发现:词义创新是“划分”与“整合”结合的认知深化过程;文化差异导致自然语言之间的范畴精密度、模糊性、典型性不对应。语篇发生视角的词义语境化创新运用分析结果表明,词义创新发生于语篇创造过程,源于作者的创新思维,在语篇意义构建中发挥了不可或缺的作用。Abstract: Studies of lexical semantics in the logico-philosophical orientation of linguistics have gained valuable insights into the regularities of lexical meaning. Nevertheless, the objectivist view of meaning that underpins these studies leads to the overlook of man and context as essential factors of meaning. Consequently, lexical semantic innovation has been given scant attention. Linguistics in the rhetorical-ethnographic orientation holds an experiential realistic view of meaning and believes that meaning arises in the interaction between individuals and between man and nature. An exploration into lexical semantic innovation in light of the theory of semogensis has found: 1) Lexical semantic innovation is a progressive cognitive process in which classification of reality and conceptual blending are combined; 2) Cultural differences give rise to non-correspondence of categories of natural languages in terms of delicacy, fuzziness and proto-typicality. It is also found, based on the co-textual and contextual analysis of novel lexical meanings, that lexical semantic innovations, which originate from the author’s creative thinking, contribute significantly to textual semantic construction.
Key words:
- lexical semantics /
- innovation /
- semogenesis
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