The Rational Path to Promote the International Communication of Humanity’s Common Values
摘要: 随着全球范围内大国之间意识形态与价值观的较量日益加剧,推进全人类共同价值的国际传播意义重大,有利于为构建人类命运共同体奠定价值基础,为应对敌对势力的有心污蔑提供价值澄清,为树立中国的大国形象提供价值支撑。当前,全人类共同价值的国际传播主要面临多元文化差异的排挤与互斥、西方价值观的冲突与竞争、话语平台与叙事能力的不足与欠缺等现实困境。为此,要进一步加强跨文化分众传播,深入阐述全人类共同价值的内涵与张力;强化国际议程设置思维,主动围绕全人类共同价值设置议题框架;创建立体化国际传播机制,提升全人类共同价值的传播效果;畅通经济文化交流渠道,彰显全人类共同价值的现实意义。Abstract: With the increasing competition of ideology and values among major powers on a global scale, promoting the international communication of humanity’s common values is of great significance. It is conducive to laying the value foundation for building a community with a shared future for mankind, providing value clarification for responding to the intentional slander of hostile forces, and providing value support for establishing China’s image as a major power. At present, the international communication of humanity’s common values mainly faces practical difficulties such as the exclusion of multicultural differences, conflicts and competition of Western values, and insufficient discourse platforms and narrative abilities. To this end, it is necessary to further strengthen cross-cultural crowdsourcing and elaborate on the connotation and tension of humanity’s common values. It is also indispensable to strengthen the thinking of international agenda setting and actively set a framework of issues around humanity’s common values. A three-dimensional international communication mechanism should be created to enhance the communication effect of humanity’s common values, smooth economic and cultural exchange channels, and highlight the practical significance of humanity’s common values.
Key words:
- humanity’s common values /
- international communication /
- realistic dilemmas /
- path choice
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