The Nature Orientation and Enlightenment of Primary-face Proof
摘要: 如何认定事实并适用法律,是诉讼中经常遇到的问题。从强化法官心证、缓解当事人证明负担以及保障当事人双方武器平等等因素考量,表见证明作为一种特殊的事实认定方式,在审判实践中发挥着不可替代的作用。但对于如何界定表见证明,理论研究与判例在经历了长时间的争论后依然莫衷一是,导致我国《民事诉讼法》在考虑是否引进该制度时显得顾虑重重。文章认为,为使表见证明发挥应有的功能价值,应当在明晰其性质的基础上,通过域外相关理论的借鉴,分析和梳理其基本构造,从而对我国民事立法提供有效经验。Abstract: How to identify the facts and apply the laws is a common problem in litigation. From the aspects of strengthening the judge’s mental impression, easing the burden of proof of the parties, and ensuring the equality of arms between the parties, as a special way of fact finding, primary-face proof plays an irreplaceable role in trial practice. However, after a long period of debate, theoretical research and prejudication remain controversial on how to define thr primary-face proof, so when considering whether to introduce the system into the Civil Procedure Law of our country, there are many concerns. In order to make primary-face proof play its due function value, it should be clear on the basis of its nature, learning from foreign related theories, analyzing and combing its basic structure, so as to provide effective experience for China’s civil legislation.
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