Interlocking Definitions of Technical Terms in Mechanical Engineering English
摘要: 以系统功能语言学理论为框架,文章全面探究机械工程英语中术语连锁定义的类别、词汇语法体现及其功能。研究发现,机械工程英语术语具有四种连锁定义方式:名词组或其复合体、“名词组或其复合体+ x”结构、小句和小句复合体,下面一共有15个子类;不同语篇类型倾向于使用不同的连锁定义方式;它们都具有建构科学知识或理论专业性和合理性的作用。研究结果可为机械工程英语的术语教学提供直接参考。Abstract: Based on the framework of Systemic Functional Linguistics theory, this study systematically explores the categories, lexicogrammatical features and functional motivations of interlocking definitions of technical terms in mechanical engineering English. It is found that there are four ways of constructing interlocking definitions: namely nominal group or its complex, “nominal group or its complex + x” structure, clause and clause complex, which are further specified into 15 sub-types; meanwhile, different discourse types tend to use different ways of interlocking definitions; they are necessary in constructing scientific knowledge or technicality and rationality of theory. This study is able to provide an immediate reference for terminology teaching of mechanical engineering English.
图 1 连锁定义类别分布图
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