Corpus-based Study on the Levels of Multimodal Affordance Transformations: From the Perspective of Context Transfer
摘要: 多模态符号建构作为学界研究热点,尽管理论描写和实践应用不断丰富,但多模态供用意义转换及其层级缺乏关注,亟待讨论。鉴于此,文章在语境迁移视角下,基于奥运会徽符号语料库,从体裁成分、布局、符号选择三个层面,探讨了多模态供用意义转换层级和功能。研究表明,在语境迁移下,体裁成分、布局与具体符号的供用性选择转换呈现较为一致的变化。不同时期多模态供用意义转换的使用具有相关性,语境累积的符号特征迁移到新会徽中,通过维度转换的方式获取最佳选择,实现需要供用意义转换参与的知识塑造、角色定位和连贯强化。从历时看,多模态符号意义转换程度逐渐增强,语境迁移的透过性影响逐渐减弱,供用性转换的抽象程度逐渐上升,表明符号供用意义转换既是符号资源的迁移性语境化过程也是符号意义创新的过程。文章还结合供用系统的选择层次提出了社会实践中的供用意义转换层级,为解析供用意义转换产生的符号现象提供了理据。Abstract: Multimodal semiotic construction, a prominent area of academic research, has undergone continuous development in both theoretical understanding and practical applications. However, there is a notable gap in our understanding of multimodal affordance transformation and its hierarchical aspects, which necessitates further exploration. This study, taking a contextual shift perspective and using the Olympic emblem symbol corpus as a foundation, investigates the levels and functions of multimodal affordance meaning transformation, focusing on genre elements, layout, and symbol selection. The research findings suggest that, under the context transfer (1) transformations in genre elements, layout, and semiotic choices display consistent patterns; (2) the use of multimodal affordance meaning transformation across different time periods is interconnected, and the symbolic features accumulated in the context are migrated to the new emblem, with semiotic hallmarks and optimal choices made through dimensional shifts, impacting knowledge shaping, role definition, and coherence; (3) intensifying of the degree of multimodal symbol meaning transformation, diminishing of the transparency of contextual shifts, and increasing of the abstraction level of affordance transformation, indicate that affordance meaning transformation is not just a contextualization process for transferring symbol resources but also a mechanism for symbol meaning innovation. Additionally, this study introduces a framework for understanding affordance transformation in social practices, providing valuable insights for analyzing the phenomena resulting from affordance transformation.
Key words:
- multimodal affordance /
- context transfer /
- transformation /
- multimodal corpus
图 1 会徽体裁的供用意义选择系统图
图 2 OLC体裁成分历时分布图
图 3 OLC体裁布局选择总体分布图
图 4 OLC符号选择分布图
图 5 多模态供用意义转换图
图 6 奥运会徽体裁的供用性原型图
图 7 话语实践中的多模态符号供用意义转换层级图
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