The Formation Condition and Promotion Path of the Sense of Acquisition of Ideological and Political Theory Course Education in Colleges and Universities
摘要: 获得感的形成是一个“需求—获得—评价—反馈”的过程,思想政治理论课教育获得感作为外在干预情况下教育对象精神层面获得满足后的正向情感体验,它的形成过程中教育对象将面临“为何学习思想、价值观念等(需求问题)” “为何选择学习马克思主义思想和价值观念(价值选择)” “理论学习与现实之间为何存在偏差(现实反馈)”三大疑问。因此,思想政治理论课教育主体在思想政治理论课教育过程中应该注重唤醒“对接需求—引导价值评价—强化价值选择”。Abstract: The formation of the sense of acquisition is a process of demand-acquisition-evaluation-feedback. The sense of acquisiton of ideological and political theory course education is a positive emotional experience of the educational objects are satisfied at the spiritual level under the condition of external intervention. In the process of its formation, the educational objects will face three questions: “why do we study ideas and values (demand)”, “why do we choose to study Marxism ideas and values (value choice)”, “why is there a deviation between theoretical study and reality (reality feedback)”. Therefore, the subject of ideological and political theory course education should pay attention to awakening the docking demand-guiding value evaluation-strengthening value choice in the process of ideological and political theory course education.
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