Research on the Grammatical Negation System in English Sentiment Analysis: The Cardiff Grammar Perspective
摘要: 文章基于系统功能语言学中的加的夫模式,使用SST影评语料库辅助研究,探讨语法否定系统not在情感分析中与情感词的搭配情况。语法否定在情感分析中主要呈现为语气否定,语法否定所在句的主语多为评价对象,该否定现象负载于动作过程、心理过程与关系过程中的属性关系。利用加的夫语法中对情感意义的界定对情感词进行分类,发现否定词not与情感意义为纯情感、感情反应类词语的搭配频率最高,与困难性、重要性类情感词的搭配频率最低。否定词对不同意义的情感词产生的否定效果不同,对于纯情感、感情反应类词语,否定词在改变极性时会削弱原词强度;而行为评判、社会评判类词语中则无削弱效果;对于消极情感词,否定词并不会改变极性。文章通过对情感词进行意义层次的标注,提高了该类词汇在常见否定表达中的准确性,对解释情感分析中否定词的复杂现象具有一定启发意义,也为后续研究提供了新的视角。Abstract: The study, grounded in the Cardiff Grammar within Systemic Functional Linguistics, harnesses the SST film review corpus to facilitate investigation. It delves into the collocation patterns of the grammatical negation system “not” alongside sentiment words within sentiment analysis. Results show that grammatical negation chiefly manifests as mood negation, wherein the subject often assumes the role of the evaluated object, carrying the attribute relationship in action processes, mental processes, and relational processes. The negation word “not” exhibits the highest frequency of collocation with purely emotional and emotional reactive words, while demonstrating the lowest frequency with emotionally charged words associated with difficulty and importance. Furthermore, the negation effect of the sentiment words varies depending on the semantic connotations. In the case of purely emotional and emotional reactive words, the negation word attenuates the intensity of the original word when polarity is altered. Conversely no such weakening effect transpires with behavioral judgment and social judgment words. Sentiment words with negative polarity remain negative polarity by the negation word. This study proves enlightening in unraveling the intricate phenomenon of negation words within sentiment analysis. By annotating the semantic levels of sentiment words, the accuracy of common negation expressions encompassing this category of vocabulary is enhanced.
Key words:
- negation /
- sentiment analysis /
- negation effect /
- Cardiff Grammar
图 1 经扩展后的否定极性系统图
表 1 否定词not发生频次前十分布表
语气否定 频数 非语气语否定 频数 is not 194 not + to 21 does not 189 not + Ved 20 can not 104 not + Ving 14 do not 102 it’s not 56 will not 48 did not 36 may not 29 are not 26 has not 19 表 2 情感词类型分布表
纯情感 社会评判 重要性 感情反应 行为评判 困难性 awful
originalimportant amusing
easy表 3 情感词强度偏移分布表
情感词 文本情感值 所在句得分 情感偏折率 情感意义 (very)amusing +0.65 −0.68 −1.05 感情反应 awful −0.875 −0.25 0.29 纯情感 bad −0.625 −0.28 0.45 纯情感 brilliant +0.875 −0.63 −0.72 纯情感 classical +0.5 −0.42 −0.84 社会评判 compelling +0.5 −0.28 −0.56 感情反应 difficult −0.7 −0.18 0.26 困难性 disappointed −0.5 +0.32 −1.00 感情反应 easy +0.375 −0.24 −0.64 困难性 (very)effective +0.325 −0.54 −1.66 行为评判 engaging +0.875 −0.48 −0.55 感情反应 entertaining +0.625 −0.36 −0.58 感情反应 fresh +0.375 −0.16 −0.43 纯情感 funny +0.5 −0.30 −0.96 感情反应 (very)good +0.975 −0.62 −0.64 纯情感 great +0.875 −0.54 −0.62 纯情感 horrible −0.625 −0.40 0.64 纯情感 (very)interesting +0.488 −0.38 −0.50 感情反应 (very)informative +0.163 −0.318 −1.95 行为评判 important +0.875 −0.44 −0.78 重要性 new +0.125 −0.34 −2.72 社会评判 (very)original +0.325 −0.6 −1.85 社会评判 outrageous −0.875 −0.48 0.55 纯情感 palatable +0.375 −0.12 −0.32 纯情感 perfect +0.625 −0.33 −0.53 纯情感 scary −0.75 −0.28 0.37 纯情感 sharp +0.5 −0.59 −1.18 行为评判 smart +0.5 −0.61 −1.22 行为评判 terrible −0.625 −0.34 0.54 纯情感 thrilling −0.5 −0.32 0.64 纯情感 well-conceived +0.625 −0.5 −0.80 感情反应 worst −0.75 −0.2 0.27 纯情感 -
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