Discourse Innovation and Significance of “Chinese Path to Modernization” under the Comparative Perspective of East and West
摘要: 长期以来的“现代化”话语以二元思维看待传统与现代、东方与西方,故而无法看清真正的世界历史与人类文明的走向。通过回顾人类认识世界历史和自身存在的视角和维度,其经历了古典时期的混沌性图式、传统时期的分裂性图式。在发展历程中,人类文明在西方“现代化”话语中呈现出失落式态,而“中国式现代化”话语的提出,在复兴古典时期的混沌性样态和继承传统时期的分裂性样态的基础上,创造了“现代”时期的聚合性样态。这一新话语给处于关键时刻的人类文明以新的未来想象,蕴含着“人类命运共同体”“全过程人民民主” “共同富裕” “高质量发展”等新命题。“中国式现代化”跳出了狭隘的民族中心主义,弥合了传统与现代、东方与西方之间的断裂,描绘了马克思主义唯物史观所指明的人类演进方向的具体样态。Abstract: The long-standing discourse of “modernization” views tradition and modernity, East and West with binary thinking, and thus fails to see the real world history and the direction of human civilization. By reviewing the perspectives and dimensions of human beings’ understanding of world history and their own existence, we can historically define two types: the chaotic pattern of the classical period and the disintegrated pattern of the traditional period. Human civilization has been lost in the Western “modernization”, while the discourse “Chinese path to modernization” has created the “modern” period on the basis of reviving the chaotic pattern of the classical period and inherited the divisive pattern of the traditional period. The discourse of “Chinese path to modernization” has created the convergent pattern of the “modern” period. This new discourse gives human civilization at a critical moment a new future imagination, containing “community of human destiny”, “people’s democracy in the whole process”, “common wealth”, “high-quality development” and other new propositions, Additionally, “Chinese path to modernization” breaks free from narrow ethnocentrism bridges the gap between tradition and modernity, between East and West, and depicts the concrete shape of the direction of human evolution as indicated by the Marxist concept of material history.
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