Practical Landscape and Optimization of Digital Education Transformation in Ideological and Political Course
摘要: 思想政治理论课是落实立德树人根本任务的关键课程,要抓住数字技术发展新机遇,积极推动数字技术与思政课的深度融合。思政课数字化育人转型有利于丰富思政课教学内容,革新思政课教学方式,优化思政课教育环境。面对思政课数字化育人转型的现实困境,调整思政课育人的路径,要从学校层面、教学层面、教师层面三方面着手有针对性地解决问题,把思政课立德树人根本任务落到实处,切实提升思政课育人的成效。Abstract: The ideological and political theory course is a key course to carry out the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people. We must seize the new opportunities brought by digital development and actively promote the profound integration of digital technology with ideological and political education. The digital education of ideological and political course can enrich the teaching content, advance the teaching method and optimize the educational environment. We should start from the school level, the teaching level and the teacher level to adjust the path of ideological and political course education, and address the realistic predicament of the transformation of the digital education of ideological and political course. As a result, the efficacy of ideological and political education can be enhanced.
Key words:
- ideological and political course /
- digital /
- practical landscape /
- optimization
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