Contingent Logic and Practical Orientation of Flexible Criminal Justice Governance in the Age of Misdemeanors
摘要: 轻罪时代,面对社会治理现代化的新要求与我国当前犯罪态势逐渐呈现出明显的轻罪化趋势,刑事司法应对犯罪逐渐从以偏重事后惩罚威慑向注重事前预防、多方协同、深化诉源精准治理、多措并举的“治罪”与“治理”相结合的标本兼治观念转变。“依法有效治理犯罪与强化人权司法保障”是我国刑事司法治理的核心任务,实践中通过贯彻“少捕慎诉慎押”政策与适用“认罪认罚从宽”“社区矫正”等制度,展现了犯罪治理的新思维与新作为,但也存在一些与刑事司法柔性治理要求相抵牾并亟待解决的问题。为了积极回应人民群众对公平正义的新期待与准确把握大量轻罪入刑后“法益保护”与“人权保障”之衡平问题,刑事司法就须明确把“以人为本”作为犯罪治理的根本价值遵循,并将“宽缓、审慎、谦抑”理念贯穿于犯罪治理的全过程。Abstract: In the era of misdemeanor, in the face of the new requirements of the modernization of social governance and the trend of misdemeanor in China’s current crime situation, the criminal justice response to crime has gradually shifted from focusing on ex post facto punishment and deterrence to focusing on ex ante prevention, multi-party collaboration, deepening the source of accurate governance, and multi-pronged measures combining the concepts of “punishment” and “governance”. The concept of combing “treatment” and “governance” has been transformed. “Effective management of crime in accordance with the law and the strengthening of judicial protection of human rights” are the core tasks of criminal justice management in China. In practice, new thinking and new measures have been demonstrated through the implementation of the policy of “fewer arrests, more cautious prosecutions and more prudent detentions” and the application of the policy of “leniency of guilty pleas and penalties” and “community corrections”. Although “community corrections” and other systems have shown new thinking and new behavior in criminal governance, there are also some problems that contradict the requirements of flexible criminal justice governance and need to be solved urgently. In order to respond positively to the people’s new expectations for fairness and justice and to accurately grasp the balance between the “protection of legal interests” and the “safeguarding of human rights” after a large number of misdemeanors have been criminalized, the administration of criminal justice must explicitly take the “people-oriented” approach as the fundamental principle of crime governance. Criminal justice must clearly take “people-centered” as the fundamental value crime governance, and the concept of “leniency, prudence and moderation” throughout the whole process of crime governance.
Key words:
- criminal justice /
- flexible governance /
- leniency /
- prudence /
- moderation
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