Research on the Establishment Mode of Brand Cultivation of Grassroots Party Organizations in Colleges and Universities
摘要: 推进和加强高校基层党组织品牌化培育,是构建高质量党建工作体系的实践路径,对于高校助力建设教育强国,落实立德树人根本任务有促进作用,有利于引领带动全体基层党组织全面进步、全面过硬、全面提高。第三批新时代高校党建示范创建和质量创优工作培育成果所蕴含的实践经验和逻辑理路,为高校基层党组织品牌化培育明晰了培育创建的建设方向和核心要点。高校基层党组织品牌化培育应遵循党的建设理论要求和品牌学学科理念,将品牌定位、品牌设计、品牌培育、品牌推广作为培育创建实践路径,使高校基层党组织品牌化培育的理论、需求、功能要素贯穿品牌培育创建的各环节、全过程。Abstract: The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China points out the direction and provides the guidance for strengthening the construction of grassroots Party organizations in colleges and universities. Promoting and strengthening the brand cultivation of grass-roots party organizations in colleges and universities is a practical path to build a high-quality party building system. It plays a promoting role in helping colleges and universities to build a powerful country in education and implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and people. Also, it is conducive to demonstrating and driving all grassroots party organizations to make comprehensive progress. The practical experience and logic contained in the third batch of party building demonstration and quality excellence cultivation results in colleges and universities have clarified the construction direction and core points of the cultivation and creation of the brand cultivation of grassroots party organizations in colleges and universities. The brand cultivation of grassroots party organizations in colleges and universities should follow the theoretical requirements of party construction and the discipline concept of brand science. It should take brand positioning, brand design, brand cultivation and brand promotion as the practice path of cultivating and establishing. Therefore, the theory, demand and functional elements of brand cultivation of grassroots party organizations in colleges and universities should run through every link and whole process of brand cultivation and establishment.
表 1 100个标杆院系培育创建成果展示的30个高频词汇分布表
序号 词汇 词频 序号 词汇 词频 1 党建工作 5 442 16 党章 2 514 2 学习贯彻党的二十大精神 4 223 17 座谈会 2 194 3 学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想 3 535 18 雷锋精神 2 042 4 文体活动 3 433 19 法治思想 1 582 5 志愿服务 3 411 20 结对共建 1 168 6 教学 3 274 21 党课 1 156 7 工作交流 2 946 22 学生成长 1 067 8 理论学习 2 939 23 党员培训 1 045 9 抗击疫情 2 448 24 学术研讨 887 10 学风引领 2 160 25 校友 848 11 科研 2 024 26 典礼育人 744 12 主题教育 6 895 27 创新创业 718 13 人才培养 6 224 28 团学组织 699 14 乡村振兴 6 076 29 入党积极分子 453 15 调研 5 834 30 理论学习中心组 344 表 2 1 000个标杆支部培育创建成果展示的30个高频词汇分布表
序号 词汇 词频 序号 词汇 词频 1 学习贯彻党的二十大精神 12 443 16 党史学习 5 115 2 学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想 10 610 17 社会实践 4 906 3 创新 8 847 18 创业 4 339 4 教学 8 765 19 竞赛 4 136 5 红色基因、红色研学 8 566 20 辅导员 3 702 6 文化建设 8 081 21 理想信念 3 630 7 抗击疫情 8024 22 思政课 3 318 8 现代化建设 7 857 23 组织生活 3 287 9 青春 7 700 24 研讨 2 605 10 就业 7 232 25 学术科研 2 575 11 中华民族伟大复兴 7 008 26 党性 2 548 12 主题教育 6 895 27 党章 2 514 13 人才培养 6 224 28 座谈会 2 194 14 乡村振兴 6 076 29 雷锋精神 2 042 15 调研 5 834 30 法治思想 1 582 -
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