Logical Relationships and Practical Requirements of “Two Answers” to Jumping Out of the Historical Cyclical Rate
摘要: 跳出历史周期率是关乎党长期执政、国家长治久安、人民幸福安康的重大课题。历经不懈努力和长期探索,中国共产党找到了跳出历史周期率的“两个答案”,即人民监督与自我革命。虽然“两个答案”的出场顺序和逻辑重心有所不同,但两者具有内在的统一关系。具体而言,“两个答案”在历史维度上共存发展;在理论维度上内在一致;在价值维度上相互映照。基于此,要实现“两个答案”同频共振,必须做到维护党中央权威和集中统一领导、发挥党贯彻群众路线的政治优势以及完善相关的制度规范体系。站在新的历史方位,深刻认识和理解“两个答案”的逻辑关系及实践要求,对于建设长期执政的马克思主义政党具有重要的理论价值与现实意义。Abstract: Jumping out of the historical cyclic rate is a major issue concerning the Party’s long-term governance, the country’s long-term stability, and the people’s happiness and well-being. After unremitting long-term exploration, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has found the “two answers” to break the historical cycle, namely, people's supervision and self-revolution. Although the order of appearance and logical center of gravity of the “two answers” are different, they are intrinsically unified. Specifically, the “two answers” coexist and develop in the historical dimension, are internally consistent in the theoretical dimension, and mirror each other in the value dimension. Therefore, in order to achieve the resonance of the “two answers” and achieve long-term success, it is necessary to insist on maintaining the authority and the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee, giving full play to the Party’s political advantage in implementing the mass line, and improving the system of institutional norms in practical requirements. Standing in the new historical position, a deep understanding of the logical relationship and practical requirements of the “two answers” is of great theoretical value and practical significance for the construction of a long-term governance of Marxist political party.
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