Embedded Projection Research: Paths and Prospects
摘要: “嵌入投射”有其独特的句法行为、语义特征与语篇功能,是语言学界一直关注的热点。文章通过梳理相关文献,发现嵌入投射语言现象有四个研究路径:系统网络建构路径、元功能分析路径、投射名词分析路径和投射句法分析路径。嵌入投射现象在语言理论建构、跨语言对比和翻译研究都具有广阔的研究空间。Abstract: Embedded projection, with its unique syntactic behavior, semantic features, and discourse functions, has been a hot topic in linguistics. Relevant literature shows that there are four paths for the embedded projection research: (i) systemic network construction, (ii) metafunctional analysis, (iii) projecting nouns analysis, and (iv) projecting syntactic analysis. The phenomenon of embedded projection has a broad research space in language theory, cross-linguistic comparison and translation research.
Key words:
- embedded projection /
- metafunction /
- projecting nouns /
- projecting syntax
图 1 投射系统网络(韩礼德 & 麦蒂森[11]511)
图 2 动词词组系统网络(麦蒂森[3]718)
图 3 “事实”投射系统(曾蕾、梁红艳[12])
图 4 投射符号人际功能情态等级模式(曾蕾、于晖[18])
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