Exploring the Survey Process in the Social Practice of University Students
摘要: 大学生社会实践作为提升高等教育育人实效的重要构成,是新形势下实现高校思想政治教育目的的必然途径。调查研究作为大学生社会实践的基本实践方法之一,通过“实践、认识、再实践、再认识”的循环往复,让学生在调研中逐步获得真理性认识。文章通过对相关数据的实证研究,发现我国大学生在社会实践中大兴调查研究的内容和形式正在快速扩充、进一步完善,但仍在选题设计、调研方法、成果转化、教学指导方面存在现实难点,可以“深、实、细、准、效”调查研究“五字诀”为指南,进一步开展实践探索与创新。Abstract: University students’ social practice, as an important constituent to enhance the effectiveness of higher education, is an inevitable way to realize the purpose of ideological and political education in colleges and universities under the new situation. As one of the basic methods of social practice in college and university, survey and research, following the cycle of “practicing, understanding, practicing again, understanding again”, allows students to gradually obtain true rational understanding in the research. At present, the content and form of survey and research in the social practice of university students in China is rapidly expanding and further improving, but there are still practical difficulties in the design of the selected topic, research methods, result transformation, and teaching guidance. Finally, the “five-word method” that is “deep, practical, detailed, accurate, effective” can be adopted as a guide to further practical exploration and innovation.
Key words:
- university students /
- social practice /
- survey and research
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