Study on Industrial Policy under the New Development Pattern
摘要: 产业政策是推动构建现代化产业体系的重要抓手和保障。新发展格局下,我国产业政策面临加快转型的新要求。既要摆脱传统路径依赖,充分发挥市场在组织资源中的优势,又要在大变局下获得国际发展主动权,还要统筹不同主体利益、激发发展潜能,推动我国产业实现高水平自立自强。然而,传统发展模式下的路径依赖、国际产业竞争的主体能力有限、大国竞争对资源和市场主体的影响等对于我国产业政策的转型形成制约。文章通过分析研究指出未来我国应系统把握产业发展需求,充分发挥竞争政策对产业自主创新的作用,以提升产业链竞争力为目标系统设计产业政策,充分发挥产业政策创造市场的作用,提升政策实施精准性,调动先进生产要素和主体的积极性,营造有利于产业从追赶发展向引领发展转型的制度环境。Abstract: Industrial policy is an important starting point and guarantee for promoting the construction of a modern industrial system. Under the new development pattern, China’s industrial policy is faced with the new requirement to accelerate the transformation. It calls for not only getting rid of the dependence on the traditional path, but also giving full play to the advantages of the market in organizational resources. It is also necessary to gain the initiative in international development under the great changes, and to coordinate the interests of different subjects, stimulate development potential, and promote China’s industry to achieve a high level of self-reliance. However, the path dependence under the traditional development mode, the limited capacity of the main body in international industrial competition, and the impact of great power competition on resources and market players have formed constraints on the transformation of China’s industrial policy. This paper points out that in the future, China should systematically grasp the needs of industrial development, give full play to the role of competition policy on industrial independent innovation design industrial policies with the goal of improving the competitiveness of the industrial chain and give full play to the role of industrial policies in creating markets. Thus, it would improve the precision of policy implementation, mobilize the enthusiasm of advanced production factors and subjects, and create an institutional environment that is conducive to the transformation of industry from catch-up development to leading development.
Key words:
- industrial policy /
- new development pattern /
- modern industrial system
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