The “Intelligent” Domination of Digital Capital and the Restoration of the SubjectReflecting upon Feenberg’s Path of “Technological Democracy”
摘要: 在数字时代,人工智能成为撬动客观世界、重塑个体生活的强大力量。因凭对“智能”技术的隐秘操纵,数字资本崛起并将人工智能塑造成符合资本利益的工具,人工智能的不当设计及资本应用导致了主体生产的遮蔽、真实交往的缺位、本真需求的异化。安德鲁·芬伯格以“技术代码”解构了技术的本质为工具与文化的聚合,揭露了技术设计领域的沉疴,并提出关照公众利益、以技术民主实现主体复归的变革进路。文章通过对芬伯格技术民主理路的审思,指出应及时规制资本权力对人工智能的不当应用,多措并举引导人工智能持续向善,才能破除“智能”统御,在更高层级实现主体复归。Abstract: In the era of digitalization, artificial intelligence has become a powerful force that profoundly impacts the world and reconfigures individual lives. Digital capital, due to the its covet manipulation of intelligent technologies, has shaped AI into a tool that meets the interests of capital and the inappropriate design and application of AI has led to the concealment of subject production, the absence of authentic interactions, and the alienation of genuine needs. Andrew Feenberg, through the notion of “technological code,” deconstructs the essence of technology as a convergence of tools and culture, exposing deep-rooted issues within the realm of technological design. He proposes a transformative path that emphasizes public interest and seeks to restore subjectivity through technological democracy. By engaging with Feenberg’s ideas on technological democracy, valuable insights are provided to transcend the dominion of the intelligent-digital capitalism. It is crucial to promptly regulate the improper application of capital power on artificial intelligence and employ multiple strategies to guide artificial intelligence toward ethical development. Only by doing so can we break free from the dominion of “intelligence” and achieve the restoration of subjectivity at a higher level.
Key words:
- artificial intelligence /
- digital capital /
- technological democracy /
- subject restoration
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