The generation of the effectiveness of ideological and political education depends on the effective solution of the ideological and political education problems existing in the educates. The educatees can obtain benefits from the solution of the ideological and political education problems, which is the logical starting point of the effectiveness of ideological and political education. Benefits are the core conditions for generating the effectiveness of ideological and political education, and problems and benefits constitute the generation logic of the effectiveness of ideological and political education. The study constructs an analytical framework for the generation of the effectiveness of ideological and political education of “problem−benefit”, which can scientifically explain the logic and mechanism of the generation of the effectiveness of ideological and political education and put forward the path of enhancement that can be cut into. The effectiveness of ideological and political education follows the generating mechanism of “identifying problems−setting agendas−implementing programs−obtaining benefits−evaluating the effects−effective formation”. Ideological and political educators should enhance the effectiveness of ideological and political education from the practical dimensions of the problems, agendas and elements, and constantly promote the high-quality development of ideological and political education in the new era.