Exploring the History of Technological Science in Marx’s London Notebooks and Its Theoretical Significance
摘要: 在《伦敦笔记》时期,对于工艺学与共产主义的实践关系的思考以及1851年在伦敦举办的第一届世界工业博览会的关注,在很大程度上构成了马克思转向工艺学史研究的直接现实背景。通过对波佩、尤尔、贝克曼等人的工艺学著作的研究,马克思从整体上把握了作为人类社会历史发展之基础的生产方式变革以及由此产生的社会关系和社会意识的变迁。这不仅再次验证了历史唯物主义世界观的科学性,而且为马克思进一步全面深入理解资本主义生产方式的历史起源和内在机制提供了最为重要的理论支撑。在此意义上,工艺学构成了马克思深化政治经济学批判和历史唯物主义的基础性理论资源。基于笔记文本和思想史语境,重新发掘历史唯物主义视域下马克思科学技术哲学的深刻意蕴和当代价值,对于我们准确把握当今智能时代的时代精神和历史方位,并在新时代语境下深入推进科技创新具有重要启示意义。Abstract: During the London Notebooks, reflections on the practical relationship between technological science and communism and the attention given to the First World Industrial Exposition held in London in 1851 largely formed the immediate practical background to Marx’s turn to the study of the history of technological science. Through his study of the works of Poppe, Ure, Beckmann and others, Marx grasped in a holistic way the changes in modes of production as the basis of the historical development of human society and the resulting changes in social relations and social consciousness. This not only reaffirmed the scientific validity of the historical materialist worldview, but also provided the most important theoretical support for Marx’s further comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the historical origins and inner mechanisms of the capitalist mode of production. In this sense, technological science constitutes a fundamental theoretical resource for Marx to deepen his critique of political economy and historical materialism. Based on the texts of the notebooks and the context of the intellectual history, rediscovering the profound implications and contemporary value of Marx’s philosophy of science and technology in the context of historical materialism is an important inspiration for us to accurately grasp the spirit of the time and the historical orientation of the present age of intelligence, and to deeply promote scientific and technological innovation in the new era.
Key words:
- Marx /
- London Notebooks /
- technological science /
- poppe /
- scientific and technological innovation
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