Reconsideration of the Taxis between Clauses within the Framework of Systemic Functional Linguistics
摘要: 目前,系统功能语言学领域对于小句配列关系的讨论主要基于悉尼模式,文章指出配列关系的理据建立在级阶假说上,而悉尼模式的强级阶假说具有内在矛盾性,依此划分的小句类型及建立的配列关系具有不完整性。通过对比,文章认为加的夫模式的弱级阶假说更具合理性,据此对小句类型及小句配列关系的描述更系统、更完整;在配列关系中,由于语义配置角色、限定性以及逻辑语义关系这三大因素的制约,小句的嵌入性呈现出一个由强到弱的连续统,当嵌入性零化时,小句构成并列关系,并列关系呈现出一个由紧到松的连续统。Abstract: In the field of Systemic Functional Linguistics, current researches of the taxis between clauses have been mainly based on the Sydney Model. It is argued in this paper that due to the contradictions between the doctrines of the strong rank scale hypothesis assumed by the Sydney Model, the classifications of the clause types are problematic. By comparison, the weak rank scale hypothesis proposed in the Cardiff Model is more reasonable and the descriptions of the clause types are more systematic and comprehensive. As to the overall tactic relations of language, this paper agrees with the Cardiff Model that there are two types – embedding and paratactic. Furthermore, it is demonstrated in this paper that due to the restraints of semantic configuration roles, finiteness, and logic-semantic relations, all the embedded clauses form a continuum with those characterized by the stronger embedding power and those characterized by the weaker power as two poles. Meanwhile, all the coordinate clauses form a similar continuum with those featured by the closer logic-semantic relation and those featured by the looser relation as two poles.
Key words:
- Systemic Functional Linguistics /
- rank scale hypothesis /
- taxis /
- clause type
图 1 悉尼模式小句配列关系
图 2 加的夫模式小句配列关系
图 3 嵌入关系与并列关系的互变过程
图 4 小句嵌入关系与并列关系连续统
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