Analysis of the Path of Improving the Humanistic Quality of Science and Engineering College Students in the New Era
摘要: 新时代提升理工科院校大学生人文素养是落实立德树人根本任务的内在要求、推进新工科新文科协同育人的具体体现和实现当代大学生全面发展的应有之义。而科技本位主义观念下对人文学科的忽视由来已久,加之理工科院校办学理念偏颇、学科建设结构失衡、人文师资队伍建设不足和师生相关认知偏移,不利于大学生人文素养的提升。因此,要提高思想认识,健全人文素养教育的体制机制;优化学科体系,推进新工科新文科协同发展;加强师资队伍建设,提升教师综合素质;提高学生认同度,增强自我培育能力等;以有效提升理工科院校大学生的人文素养。Abstract: To improve the humanistic qualities of college students in science and engineering colleges in the new era is an intrinsic requirement for implementing the fundamental task of cultivating virtue and cultivating people, the concrete embodiment of promoting the collaborative education of new engineering and new liberal arts, and the due meaning of realizing the all-round development of contemporary college students. However, the neglect of humanities under the concept of science and technology fundamentalism has a long history, coupled with the biased philosophy of science and engineering colleges, the imbalance of discipline construction structure, the insufficient construction of humanities teachers, and the relevant cognitive bias of teachers and students, which is not conducive to the improvement of college students’ humanistic literacy. Therefore, it is necessary to enhance ideological understanding and improve the institutional mechanism of humanistic literacy education; optimize the discipline system and promote the coordinated development of new engineering and new liberal arts; strengthen the construction of teachers and improve the comprehensive quality of teachers; improve students’ recognition, enhance self-cultivation ability, etc.; and to effectively improve the humanistic qualities of college students in science and engineering colleges.
Key words:
- the new era /
- colleges of science and engineering /
- college student /
- humanistic literacy
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