Historical Initiative: Scientific Connotation, Spiritual Characteristics and Era value
摘要: 遵循社会历史发展规律与充分发挥主观能动性的有机统一是历史主动精神科学内涵的核心要义,具体表现为遵循社会历史发展规律的科学精神,精准把握历史发展机遇的实践精神,主动担当民族复兴大任的使命精神。这也是中国共产党百年奋斗历程中历史主动精神的集中体现,是革命、建设、改革事业不断取得新胜利的重要精神密码。在全面建设社会主义现代化强国的历史新时期,面对世界格局加速演进、新科技革命方兴未艾、高质量发展正爬坡过坎等新的历史条件,深刻领悟、科学把握和充分发挥历史主动精神,是确保党和国家始终走在时代前列,推进党的建设、强国建设和民族复兴的重要思想条件。Abstract: The organic unity of following the laws of social and historical development and giving full play to subjective initiative is the essence of the scientific connotation of the spirit of historical initiative. It is embodied in the scientific spirit of following the laws of social and historical development, the practical spirit of accurately grasping the opportunities of historical development, and the missionary spirit of proactively taking up the responsibility of national rejuvenation. It is a concentrated manifestation of the historical initiative of the CPC in its century-long struggle, and an important spiritual code for the continuous new victories of revolution, construction and reform. In the new era of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country, facing new historical conditions such as the accelerated evolution of the world pattern, the rise of new scientific and technological revolution, and the climbing of high-quality development, a profound understanding, scientific grasp, and full play to the historical initiative spirit are important ideological conditions to ensure that the Party and the country always stay at the forefront of the times, and to promote the construction of the Party, the construction of a strong country, and the rejuvenation of the nation.
Key words:
- historical initiative /
- scientific connotation /
- spiritual characteristics /
- era value
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