Entrepreneurial Failure Recovery, Entrepreneurial Motivation and Subsequent Entrepreneurial BehaviorThe Moderating Role of Regulatory Focus
摘要: 创业失败修复作为创业者重启创业的关键正日益受到关注,然而现有关于创业失败修复对后续创业影响机理的研究较为薄弱。文章尝试从创业失败修复视角探究激发创业失败者后续创业行为的新路径,构建创业失败修复到后续创业的概念模型。通过数据分析发现,创业失败修复对后续创业行为具有积极的影响,创业动机在创业失败修复与后续创业行为之间起到中介作用,创业失败修复和后续创业行为间的关系受到促进型聚焦的正向调节作用。文章丰富了创业失败修复和后续创业等相关理论,对后续创业者从失败中有效修复并再次创业具有重大意义。Abstract: Entrepreneurial failure recovery as a key to restarting entrepreneurship for entrepreneurs has gradually gained attention from both theoretical and practical communities. However, few existing practices and studies focus on entrepreneurial failure recovery and subsequent entrepreneurial restart, and research on the mechanism of the impact of entrepreneurial failure recovery on subsequent entrepreneurship is relatively weak. This study attempts to explore a new path to stimulate subsequent entrepreneurial behavior of failed entrepreneurs from the perspective of entrepreneurial failure recovery, construct a conceptual model of entrepreneurial failure recovery to subsequent entrepreneurship, and conduct an empirical test with 295 subsequent entrepreneurs as the research sample. The study finds that entrepreneurial failure recovery has a positive influence on subsequent entrepreneurial behavior; entrepreneurial motivation plays a mediating role between entrepreneurial failure recovery and subsequent entrepreneurial behavior. The relationship between failure recovery and subsequent entrepreneurial behavior was positively moderated by facilitative focus. Hence, this study enriches theoretical guidance for entrepreneurial failure recovery and subsequent entrepreneurship and is of great significance for subsequent entrepreneurs to effectively recover from failure and start up again.
图 1 本研究假设的关系模型图
图 2 本研究验证的关系模型图
表 1 问卷的验证性因子分析拟合结果表
变量 χ2/df RMSEA NFI RFI IFI TLI CFI 创业失败修复 3.809 0.098 0.954 0.941 0.966 0.955 0.966 创业动机 1.196 0.026 0.990 0.982 0.998 0.997 0.998 规则聚焦 3.645 0.095 0.926 0.908 0.946 0.932 0.945 后续创业行为 3.372 0.090 0.953 0.941 0.966 0.958 0.966 表 2 不同控制变量单因素方差分析表
控制变量 创业失败修复 创业动机 规则聚焦 后续创业行为 性别 0.820 0.002** 0.056 0.037* 年龄 0.741 0.854 0.363 0.932 受教育程度 0.721 0.401 0.858 0.026* 创业失败次数 0.039* 0.307 0.001** 0.036* 创业失败首要原因 0.012* 0.041* 0.067 0.021* 行业类型 0.020* 0.303 0.331 0.177 注:*表示路径系数显著水平 p <0.05,**表示 p <0.01,***表示p <0.001 表 3 创业失败修复与后续创业行为回归分析结果
变量名称 后续创业行为 M1 M2 M3 M4
控制变量性别 0.104 0.106 0.112* 0.097 受教育程度 0.062 0.058 0.041 0.050 创业失败次数 −0.027 −0.025 −0.051 −0.025 创业失败首要原因 0.131* 0.118* 0.095 0.087 预测变量 情绪修复 0.271*** 认知修复 0.439*** 行动修复 0.388*** R2 0.034 0.108 0.224 0.182 检验变量 调整R2 0.021 0.092 0.211 0.168 F 2.584 6.970 16.719 12.892 注:模型略去常数项;*p <0.05,**p <0.01,***p <0.001。 表 4 创业动机中介效应回归分析结果
变量名称 创业动机 后续创业行为 M5 M6 M7 M8
控制变量性别 0.165*** 0.108* −0.003 0.029 受教育程度 0.014 0.033 0.033 0.026 创业失败次数 −0.086 −0.042 0.020 −0.001 创业失败首要原因 0.070 0.056 0.033 0.022 预测变量 创业失败修复 0.603*** 0.585*** 0.297*** 创业动机 0.663*** 0.478*** R2 0.411 0.450 0.450 0.504 检验变量 调整R2 0.401 0.440 0.440 0.493 F 40.308 47.271 47.271 48.680 注:模型略去常数项;*p <0.05,**p <0.01,***p <0.001。 表 5 规则聚焦调节效应回归分析结果
变量名称 创业动机 后续创业行为 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16 创业失败修复 0.528*** 0.496*** 0.483*** 0.555*** 0.549*** 0.560*** 0.553*** 规则聚集 0.256*** 0.285*** 0.280*** 0.281*** 创业失败修复*规则聚焦 0.024 0.095* 促进型聚焦 0.155** 0.154** 创业失败修复*促进型聚焦 0.112* 预防型聚焦 0.153** 0.153** 创业失败修复*预防型聚焦 −0.035 创业动机 0.472*** 创业动机*规则聚焦 0.053 R2 0.369 0.441 0.450 0.391 0.404 0.384 0.393 0.420 调整R2 0.453 0.429 0.437 0.379 0.389 0.379 0.378 0.428 F 29.374 37.820 33.539 30.874 27.758 30.905 26.523 32.492 注:模型略去常数项;*p <0.05,**p <0.01,***p <0.001。 -
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