Exploring the Construction of the Young teachers’ in Schools of Universities from the Perspective of Emerging Engineering Education
摘要: 在新工科建设的视域下,针对青年教师队伍建设面临的问题,文章以北京科技大学机械工程学院为例,分析了高校青年教师的胜任力要求,并探究了建设青年教师队伍“引、选、育、评”各环节的行动举措,建立动员、选聘、成长、反馈四位一体的建设机制,为加强高校二级学院青年教师队伍开展新工科建设的效能,加快新工科建设步伐,奋力推动新工科教育实现高质量发展进行了有效的探索。Abstract: From the perspective of new engineering construction, this paper analyzes the competency requirements for young teachers in colleges and universities, and takes the School of Mechanical Engineering of University of Science and Technology Beijing(USTB) as an example to explore the actions taken by young teachers in four phases of “introduction, selection, education and evaluation” of new engineering construction, so as to establish a four-in-one construction mechanism of mobilization, selection, growth and feedback. The mechanism aims to strengthen the effectiveness of young teachers in schools of universities to carry out new engineering construction, accelerate the pace of new engineering construction, and achieve the goal of high-quality promotion of new engineering construction.
Key words:
- emerging engineering education /
- young teachers /
- team building
图 1 动员、选聘、培育和评价四位一体机制图
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