On the Philosophical Implications of the Semogenesis Theory
摘要: 韩礼德和麦迪逊在创立语义发生学理论时明确反对本质主义认识论而推崇建构主义思想,与20世纪西方科学哲学界本质主义(或实证主义)和建构主义两大阵营的争鸣相呼应。语义发生学理论继承了欧洲功能主义语言观,其核心要义在于从社会文化视角探讨语言与现实的关系这一经典命题,阐释了建构主义思想的深刻性。随着系统功能语言学的代表人物将语义发生学理论应用于科技语类、语言规划、生物学和社会学等跨学科领域的研究,该学派的适用性以及相关理论发展的巨大潜势得到了充分彰显。Abstract: The denial of essentialism and commitment to constructivism are made explicit by Halliday and Matthiessen while proposing the evolutionary theory of meaning or the semogenesis theory, in echo with the disputes between essentialists (or logical empiricists) and constructivists in the 20th century Western academic arena of philosophy of science. The semogenesis theory inherits the European functionalists’ tradition that adopts the sociocultural perspective on the relationship between language and reality, which in turn sheds light on the insightfulness of the constructivist view on meaning. Furthermore, with the leading figures of the systemic school extending the semogenic approach to interdisciplinary studies of scientific genre, language programming, biology and sociology, etc., the applicability as well as the infinite potential for the development of systemic linguistics is fully demonstrated.
Key words:
- essentialism /
- constructivism /
- logical empiricism /
- semogenesis /
- grammatical metaphor
图 1 阴阳学说视阈下的名/物关系图
图 2 精密度阶提升导致的语义空间扩展图
图 3 阴阳学说视阈下的名/物关系转化
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