The Logic, Value Implication, Times Requirements of the Self-reform of the Communist Party of China
摘要: 自我革命是中国共产党历经百年风雨仍风华正茂的生命密码,也是我们党团结带领人民群众取得辉煌成就的重要保证。自我革命具有深厚的理论逻辑、历史逻辑和实践逻辑,在新时代散发着生机活力、发挥着无可比拟的时代价值。站在新征程上,以自我革命的形式淬炼自己,在革故鼎新、守正创新中实现自身的超越,对伟大工程的建设、伟大事业的实现都具有重要的时代价值和深远的历史意义。Abstract: Self-reform is the life code of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which is still flourishing after a hundred years of storms. It is also an important guarantee for the Party to unite and lead the people to make brilliant achievements. Self-reform has a profound theoretical, historical and practical logic, exudes vitality and plays an incomparable value in the new era. In the new journey, refining itself in the form of self-reform, and realizing its own transcendence in the process of reform and innovation is of great value and far-reaching historical significance for the construction of great projects and the realization of great undertakings.
Key words:
- self-reform /
- internal regulation /
- social revolution /
- value implication /
- times requirements
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