The Adherence of the Communist Party of China to Maintaining a Global Vision: Causes of Formation, Character of Practice and Requirements of the Times
摘要: 中国共产党坚持胸怀天下理念生成于马克思主义实现人类解放的终极关怀、中华优秀传统文化的天下情怀以及党的百年奋斗历史进程与世界变化大变局。坚持胸怀天下的实践品格体现在中国共产党不仅有着甘于心系天下为各国谋共赢的宽广胸怀,还有着敢于兼善天下为世界谋大同的无畏胸怀,更有着善于引领天下为人类谋进步的主动胸怀。在新的时代条件下,中国共产党在坚持胸怀天下的实践道路上需要坚持合作共赢与敢于斗争相结合、坚持天下大同与美美与共相交融、坚持引领发展与社会主义制度相统一。Abstract: The CPC’s adherence to the concept of “maintainining a global vision” derives from the ultimate concern of Marxism for the realization of human liberation, the grit of China’s excellent traditional culture, and the historical process of the Party’s centennial struggle and the world profound changes. The character of practice of the CPC’s adherence to maintaining a global vision reflects that the Communist Party of China not only has a broad mind that is willing to care about the world and seek win-win results for all countries, but also has a fearless mind that does good to the world and seeks common ground for the world, and has an active mind that is good at leading the world and making progress for mankind. Under the new conditions of the times, the Communist Party of China needs to adhere to the combination of win-win cooperation and the courage to struggle, adhere to the world harmony and the appreciation of the culture from different sides, and adhere to the unity of leading development and the socialist system.
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