Triple Generation Logic of “Chinese Path to Modernization”
摘要: “中国式现代化”是中国共产党在回答“建设什么样的社会主义现代化强国、怎样建设社会主义现代化强国”新时代之问时作出的科学研判,其形成具有深厚的理论、历史、现实逻辑意蕴。从理论探源看,其形成是马克思主义现代化理论的题中固有之义;从历史探索看,其形成是中国共产党百年来实践的经验必然证成;从现实探需看,其形成是中华民族伟大复兴使命的现实应然指向。把握这三重生成逻辑有助于深刻理解“中国式现代化”的科学理论意蕴与重大战略意义。Abstract: “Chinese path to modernization” is a scientific judgment made by the Communist Party of China to answer the question of “what kind of socialist modern power to build and how to build a modern socialist power”. Its formation has profound theoretical, historical and realistic logical significance. As for the theoretical logic, its formation is inherent in the Marxist modernization theory. As for the historical logic, its formation is inevitably proved by the experience of the CPC’s practice in the past 100 years. As for the realistic logic, its formation is the realistic direction of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Grasping the triple generation logic helps to deeply understand the scientific theoretical implications and great strategic significance of “Chinese path to modernization”.
Key words:
- modernization /
- Chinese path to modernization /
- theoretical logic /
- historical logic /
- realistic logic
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