Paradigm Research on the Curriculum System Combining the Cultivation of Mechanical Engineering with Personality Growth
摘要: 面对信息时代社会快速增长的需求,文章通过构建大机械类专业大类培养与个性成长相结合的课程体系范式,开展了既精通机械设计制造又擅长智能化系统设计应用的学科交叉高素质应用型创新人才培养实践。以信息特色强化大机械类专业内涵建设,升级改造传统机械设计制造及其自动化专业,建设新兴跨学科的机器人工程专业。文章将信息特色和实践创新融入通识必修,设计“学习−体验−养成−创新”四位一体的通识选修课程体系,构建“机械+信息”学科交叉的专业基础,创新层次分明、循序渐进的全程项目式专业课程体系,形成了“全面发展−夯实基础−多路径选择”的课程体系范式。通过课程体系范式的组织实施,创新“大课程”项目引领式融合非技术能力培养、“大实践平台”真实场景式多路径培养、“金课”示范引领的课堂教学方式方法改革模式,为课程体系范式实现提供有效保障并取得了显著培养成效,也为其他高校相关专业及人才培养模式改革,提供可借鉴的理论和实践经验。Abstract: Facing the rapid growth of society in the information age, this paper carries out the cultivating practice of highly qualified application-oriented innovative talents who are not only proficient in mechanical design and manufacturing, but also good at intelligent system design and application. It aims to construct a paradigm of curriculum system that combines large class training and individual growth in mechanical engineering. The connotative construction of mechanical engineering will be integrated with information characteristics, which can upgrade and transform the traditional mechanical design and manufacturing and automation majors, and build new interdisciplinary robotics engineering. In this study, we integrate information characteristics and practical innovation into the compulsory general education, design a four-in-one (i.e., “learning-experience-nurturing-innovation”) general elective course system, and build a professional foundation of “machinery + information” interdisciplinary intersection. We also innovate a hierarchical and progressive whole-project professional course system, and form a paradigm of “comprehensive development−solid foundation−multi-path selection” course system. The organization and implementation of the curriculum system paradigm can innovate the “major course” project-led integration of non-technical ability training, the “major practice platform” real-scene multi-path training, and the “golden course”-led classroom teaching method reform, and provide effective guarantee for the realization of the curriculum system paradigm with satisfactory training results. Also, our study provides theoretical and practical experiences for other universities to advance the reform of related majors and talents training.
Key words:
- comprehensive development /
- major course /
- major practical platform /
- full project-based
图 1 “全面发展−夯实基础−多路径选择”的课程体系
图 2 计算机辅助设计大课程体系
图 3 大实践平台构建全方位立体化培养环境
图 4 成果导向,注重应用——市级重点优质课“机械设计”课程体系
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