The Concept of Marxism in Hallidayan Systemic Functional Linguistics
摘要: 韩礼德创立系统功能语言学是为了发展马克思主义语言学。韩礼德系统功能语言学的马克思主义观包括语言功能观、语言系统观和语言唯物主义。语言功能观是马克思主义在系统功能语言学中的重要体现,包括功能变体、元功能和功能语法三个方面。马克思主义语言系统观涉及语言的系统性、层次性、整体性、动态性和进化性。作为社会意义的语言、语言的起源、语言与上层建筑以及语言与社会平等揭示了韩礼德所坚持的马克思唯物主义。韩礼德系统功能语言学与马克思主义是高度一致的。
- 韩礼德系统功能语言学 /
- 马克思主义观 /
- 系统观 /
- 功能观 /
- 唯物论
Abstract: Halliday created Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) with the aim of developing Marxist linguistics. The concept of Marxism in his SFL is underpinned by the concepts of linguistic function, system and materialism. The notion of functionality in SFL reveals Marxist thoughts, which is present in three distinct manifestations: functional variation, functional grammar and metafunction. Halliday’s Marxist view of language system is represented in his delineation of language as a stratified whole system which evolves dynamically. Halliday’s materialist linguistics involves four senses: language as social semiotic, the origin of language, language base and context superstructure, language and social equality. Hallidayan SFL is totally compatible with Marxism. -
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