On Self-revolution and Breaking out of “Historical Periodicity”
摘要: 历史周期率是人类历史发展的产物,是规律性的社会历史现象,但不是历史发展的必然规律。跳出历史周期率,是中国共产党人在百年奋斗中不断思考和探索的重大理论和实践问题。进入新时代,以习近平同志为核心的党中央找到了依靠自我革命跳出历史周期率的成功路径。自我革命能够赢得人民群众的价值认同、利益认同、政绩认同、制度认同以及公平认同,具备跳出历史周期率的内在机理。我们党只要始终保持清醒和坚定,坚持全面从严治党永远在路上,就一定能依靠自我革命跳出历史周期率。Abstract: Historical periodicity is the product of the development of human history. It reflects social and historical phenomena on a regular basis, but it is not an inexorable law of historical development. Breaking out of historical periodicity has been an important theoretical and practical subject for the CPC members in the last century. In the new era, the CPC Central Committee with comrade Xi Jinping as the core has found a creative way to jump out of historical periodicity, i.e., by self-revolution. Due to the inner mechanism of self-revolution, it facilitates the CPC to gain people’s recognition in its value, interests, job performance, institution and fairness. As long as the CPC maintain sober and determined, and stick to strict governance over the Party itself, it can break out of historical periodicity by self-revolution.
Key words:
- self-revolution /
- breaking out of historical periodicity /
- inner mechanism
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