Exploring the theoretical basis of Marxism in “Great Ideological and Political Course”
摘要: 马克思主义既是“大思政课”建设的指导思想,也是其根本的理论支撑。“大思政课”强调的立德树人根本任务与马克思主义关于人的自由全面发展理论之间具有直接的承继关系,后者对破解人才培养的“单向性”弊端具有重要意义。“大思政课”所倡导地发挥好各部门、各环节之间的“协同效应”,与辩证唯物主义的系统观念之间存在高度的契合性,后者对于从大局观念等方面推进“大思政课”建设提供方法论指导。“大思政课”的构成要素之间以及“大思政课”与环体之间所呈现的矛盾关系,能够用马克思主义矛盾理论很好地阐释。“大思政课”基于中国特色社会主义实践而形成的新理念新思想,可以用实践、认识、再实践、再认识的马克思主义认识论阐释清楚。总体看,“大思政课”建设既需要马克思主义作为其理论基础,更需要我们将马克思主义基本理论与“大思想课”的建设实际相结合,不断推进“大思政课”建设创新发展。Abstract: Marxism is not only the guiding ideology but also the fundamental theoretical support for the construction of the “Great Ideological and political course”. There is a direct inheritance relationship between the fundamental task of cultivating people with virtue emphasized by the “Great Ideological and Political Course” and the free and comprehensive development of human beings highlighted by Marxism. The thought of comprehensive development is of great significance to dismantle the “one-sided” disadvantages of talent training. The “Great Ideological and Political Course” advocates giving full play to the “synergistic effect” among various departments and links, which is highly compatible with the systematic concept of dialectical materialism. It provides methodological guidance for promoting the construction of “Great Ideological and Political course” from the perspective of the overall situation. The contradictory relationship between the constituent elements of “Great Ideological and Political Course”, and between the “Great Ideological and Political Course” and the whole body can be well explained by the Marxist theory of contradiction. The new ideas and thoughts formed by the “Great Ideological and Political Course” based on the practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics can be expounded clearly by the Marxist epistemology of practice, understanding, re-practice and re-understanding. Overall, the construction of “Great Ideological and Political Course” requires not only Marxism as its theoretical basis, but also the combination of the basic theories of Marxism with the practice of “Great Ideological and Political Course” to constantly promote the innovative developments of “Great Ideological and Political Course”.
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