On the Development of Systemic Functional Linguistics from the Perspective of Systemic Grammar
摘要: 自系统功能语言学创立之初,系统语法的核心地位就已确立。以语言符号的系统观、层次观以及例示化等思想为指导的系统语法,从结构主义、哥本哈根学派和伦敦学派中汲取滋养,对语言系统、系统与结构以及系统与示例的关系进行了深入研究。通过系统网络的直观精密化表征,系统语法为分析语言内部和外部的问题提供了有力的理论工具。作为系统功能语言学发展的重要引擎之一,系统思维不仅丰富了理论内涵,而且拓展了应用领域,推动了作为适用语言学的系统功能语言学的纵深发展。Abstract: Systemic grammar has played a central role since the founding of Systemic Functional Linguistics. It features the systemic view of language, instantiation, and stratification as its core theoretical tenets. Drawing on from Structuralism, the Copenhagen School, and the London School, systemic grammar has conducted in-depth research on the linguistic systems as well as the relations between system and structure, and between system and instance. By utilizing system networks as a cartographic representation, systemic grammar is particularly enlightening for the explanation of issues from within and outside the linguistic system. As a major driving force in Systemic Functional Linguistics, systemic grammar has both enriched the theory and broadened its research scope, thus greatly facilitating the appliableness of Systemic Functional Linguistics.
Key words:
- systemic grammar /
- stratification /
- instantiation /
- system network /
- appliable linguistics
图 1 语言系统内部的元冗余关系[13]
图 2 系统网络的五种基本形式[5]84
图 3 语气系统[8]24
图 4 语场系统网络[30]279
图 5 基于开放语境的语义网络 [40]120
图 6 小句的语气系统[45]53
图 7 语气系统中简化的次级“信息”系统网络[51]90
图 8 评价系统[52]
图 9 涵盖汉语、英语和韩语的多语言语气系统网络[61]208
图 10 视觉语法的互动意义系统[65]149
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