Integrating the Localization with the Globalization: The Prospects of Chinese Comparative Political Studies
摘要: 推进中国比较政治研究的本土化与世界化,对建构中国特色哲学社会科学自主知识体系具有重要意义。中国比较政治研究存在主体意识觉醒的“自发”“自省”两个阶段,未来将走向“自新”的发展阶段。本土化的关键功能在于重塑理论,世界化的关键功能在于参与世界知识体系再生产,二者不可偏废。欧美自由民主模式及其知识体系无法满足中国及广大后发国家发展需求,中国比较政治研究必须要立足于本土化,融本土于世界,推进世界比较政治学研究的知识迭代。Abstract: To build an independent knowledge system of philosophy and social science with Chinese characteristics, it is crucial to support the localization and globalization of Chinese comparative political study. Research on comparative politics in China has gone through two stages: “spontaneity” and “self-reflection”, and the third step, “self-renewal”, will be the next. It is impossible to ignore that the fundamental role of localization is to remodel theories, and the role of globalization is to take part in the reproduction of the global knowledge system. Chinese comparative political studies must be built on localization, integrate the local with the global, and advance the knowledge iteration of comparative political studies in the globe because the liberal democratic models of Europe and America and their knowledge systems cannot match the needs of China and other developing nations for growth.
Key words:
- comparative politics /
- localization /
- globalization /
- knowledge production
图 1 政治科学学科构成
图 2 基于本土化与世界化的中国比较政治发展路线
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