Discourse Representation of China’s Targeted Poverty Alleviation in African Media from the Perspective of Appraisal Theory
摘要: 文章以评价理论为具体的分析框架,通过对非洲主流媒体对中国精准扶贫实践的话语呈现,发现非洲媒体对中国精准扶贫整体上持积极态度。三种态度资源中,判断类态度资源最多,鉴赏类次之,情感类最少。在情感类态度资源中,安全/非安全类情感表达最多;在判断类态度资源中,社会判断类远超于社会约束类;在鉴赏类态度资源中,价值类远超过反应和构成两类。在评价主体方面,非洲媒体较多情况下是直接表达自己的看法和态度,但同时也注重引入来自中国政府、中国人民、专家学者、其他国家的观点作为支撑和补充。在评价的具体对象方面,对中国政府的评价最多,其次是对扶贫举措、扶贫成就、中国共产党的评价。此外,非洲媒体在新闻报道中表现出对中国共产党、中国政府和中国人民脱贫攻坚精神和能力的肯定,以及对精准扶贫工作模式社会价值和成就的认可。Abstract: Under the framework of appraisal theory, this study specifically examines discourse representation of China’s practice of targeted poverty alleviation in African mainstream media. It is found in this research that African media have an overall positive attitude toward China’s targeted poverty alleviation. Among the three types of attitude resources, judgment resources are mostly used, followed by appreciation attitudinal resources and affect resources. As for the affect resources, security/insecurity resources are the most numerous, and for judgment resources, social esteem resources far exceed social sanction resources. Among appreciation resources, valuation resources far exceed both reaction and composition. In terms of the appraiser, African media mainly express their own views and attitudes directly, but also borrow views from the Chinese government, the Chinese people, foreign experts and scholars, and other countries to support and supplement the point of view. As for the appraised, the Chinese government is the mostly appraised, followed by the evaluation of poverty alleviation measures, poverty alleviation achievements, and the Communist Party of China. In addition, the discourse of African media indicates a kind of appreciation and agreement of the spirit and ability of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese government and the Chinese people in fighting poverty, and a kind of recognition of the social value and achievements of the targeted poverty alleviation in their news reports.
表 1 尼日利亚、南非、肯尼亚、加纳和坦桑尼亚主流媒体分布表
国家 报纸名称(英文) 报纸名称(中文) 尼日利亚 The Punch 《抨击报》 The Nation 《国民报》 The Sun 《太阳报》 The Independent 《独立报》 The Leadership 《领导报》 南非 South Africa Today 《今日南非》 Business Report 《经济报道》 肯尼亚 Daily Nation 《国民日报》 The Standard 《标准报》 加纳 Business and Financial Times 《商业和金融时代》 News Ghana 《加纳新闻》 坦桑尼亚 The Citizen 《公民报》 The Guardian 《卫报》 表 2 20篇新闻标题、发表日期、所属报纸和国家分布表
国家 新闻标题 发表日期 报纸名称 尼日利亚 China beats target by lifting 12.4m out of poverty in 2016 2017/02/28 The Sun Government Fights Poverty In Rural China 2017/06/2 The Leadership China Relocates Over 6,000 Minority As Part Of Anti-Poverty Push 2020/09/23 The Independent China’ s exit from poverty: Lessons for Africa 2020/12/22 The Nation Impoverished people of ‘poverty-free’ China 2021/01/25 The Punch 南非 China Transfers More Funding To Mitigate Poverty 2017/07/13 South Africa Today Residents’ income surges after desert village in China’s Xinjiang relocated 2021/05/17 Business Report China improves education to alleviate poverty, number of dropouts falls from 600 000 to 682 2021/06/25 Business Report Mountainous Eastern China lifts residents out of poverty by improving infrastructure
and developing industries2021/08/31 Business Report 肯尼亚 Africa has a lot to learn from China 2020/07/8 Daily Nation China’ ‘poverty eradication’ suggestive of next Africa policy, experts say 2021/02/17 Daily Nation Chinese countryside thinking out of the poverty box 2020/09/18 The Standard 加纳 China moves to eliminate poverty by 2020 ...key lessons for Ghana 2018/03/14 Business and Financial Times China positions itself well in the fight against poverty 2016/03/11 News Ghana China’s war on poverty attracts stronger Assessment 2017/03/12 News Ghana 坦桑尼亚 Chinese Growth and Poverty Reduction: Lessons for Sub-Saharan Africa 2020/10/8 The Citizen Xi expounds on ending absolute poverty 2021/02/16 The Citizen How China managed to eradicate absolute poverty among its people 2021/03/3 The Citizen China’s poverty reduction offers lessons for Africa 2021/01/4 The Guardian Xi leads fight against poverty 2021/03/4 The Guardian 表 3 四种词类中出现频率最高的词汇分布表
名词 次数 (助)动词 次数 形容词 次数 副词 次数 poverty 317 has 135 poor 62 out 62 China 216 is 118 rural 51 as 37 people 108 have 72 Chinese 34 over 36 million 68 said 58 impoverished 34 also 27 government 55 was 58 local 26 not 26 Africa 53 are 56 national 25 well 21 development 52 be 52 new 24 now 20 areas 48 were 42 economic 21 only 20 alleviation 47 will 35 political 18 up 19 year 47 can 34 central 15 when 18 表 4 话语主体与评价对象提及频次分布表
评价对象 评价主体 中国政府 中国共产党 中国人民 扶贫举措 扶贫成效 中国制度 贫困问题 其他 非洲媒体 269 22 9 56 38 3 7 17 中国政府(官员) 155 15 5 37 23 3 3 1 中国共产党 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 中国人民 7 0 0 15 6 0 1 0 专家学者 3 3 0 0 2 0 0 1 其他国家 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 其他媒体 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 总计 436 40 14 109 74 6 11 19 表 5 态度子系统资源类型分布表
类型 积极词汇/个 消极词汇/个 情感 22 9 判断 418 49 鉴赏 183 28 总计 623 86 表 6 情感类资源分布表
情感类型 积极词汇/个 消极词汇/个 高兴/非高兴 1 1 满意/非满意 6 4 安全/非安全 15 4 总计 22 9 表 7 判断类资源分布表
判断类型 积极词汇/个 消极词汇/个 行为规范 1 3 做事才干 340 26 坚韧不拔 73 1 真实可靠 1 5 正当性 3 14 数量总计 418 49 表 8 鉴赏类资源分布表
鉴赏类型 积极词汇/个 消极词汇/个 反应 15 9 构成 23 13 价值 145 6 总计 183 28 -
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