Exploring Ways to Enhance the Academic Impact of Traditional Social Science Journals in the Digital Age
摘要: 数字时代的快速发展既为我国传统社科类学术期刊影响力的提升带来了便利与机遇,也带来了挑战与问题。文章通过对传统社科类学术期刊发展现状的困境分析,指出应该在“选题”与“走出去”两方面下功夫,集中力量创办优质期刊,打破西方学术评价体系的唯一性,建立“有中国特色学术话语”。同时要不忘初心,通过大数据的信息技术,发掘真正有价值的符合国计民生需求的选题,积极培养后备学术力量,真正推动学术的可持续发展,实现国内高质量学术成果“走出去”的理想传播效果。Abstract: The rapid development of the digital era has brought not only convenience and opportunities, but also challenges and problems to promote the academic impact of traditional social science journals in China. This study highlights that attention should be paid to both “internal topics” and “going global” by analyzing the development dilemma of traditional social science academic journals. Moreover, efforts should be concentrated on establishing high-quality journals, breaking the singleness of the Western academic evaluation system, and establishing “academic discourse with Chinese characteristics”. Original intention as well as China’s stand should be upheld. Truly valuable topics that meet the needs of the national economy and the people’s livelihood should be explored using big data information technology. Academic reserve forces should be actively cultivated, and the sustainable academic development should be promoted to achieve the ideal communication effect of “going global” of domestic high-quality academic achievements.
Key words:
- the digital age /
- social science journals /
- academic impact /
- sustainable development
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