Research on the Executability of Carbon Allowance in Two-carbon Background
摘要: 碳配额强制执行开创了财产执行领域的先河,但相关领域无论理论还是立法仍属一片空白。为提供碳配额可执行的理论支撑,文章认为应当将碳排放权确定为一项财产性权利。碳配额的执行范围包括免费发放的初始配额以及国家核证减排额(CCER),执行方式包括拍卖和直接抵债,执行顺位应以靠后为宜。已冻结的碳配额和履约时效冲突时,为应对碳配额的过期风险,应以履约优先,取消对碳配额结转使用的时间限制。已被司法冻结的碳配额不得自愿注销,在无争议的情况下应推定自愿注销行为出于公益目的,在自愿注销损及债权人利益时,可赋予债权人撤销权来实现救济。Abstract: The enforcement of carbon quota has created a precedent in the field of property enforcement, but the related field is still blank both in theory and legislation. In order to provide theoretical support for the enforcement of carbon quota, carbon emission right should be defined as a property right. The execution scope of carbon allowance should include the initial quota issued free of charge and the CCER (Certified Emission Reduction). The execution method should include auction and direct debt repayment, and the execution order should be lower. The contract execution should be given priority in case of conflicts between the frozen carbon allowance and the time limit for the contract execution , . In order to deal with the risk of the expiration of the carbon allowance, it is suggested to remove the time limit for the carry-over of the carbon allowance. The carbon allowance that has been frozen by the judicial system shall not be voluntarily cancelled. In the case of no dispute, it should be presumed that the voluntary cancellation is for the purpose of public welfare. When the voluntary cancellation is detrimental to the interests of creditors, creditors can be granted the right of cancellation to achieve relief.
Key words:
- carbon emission right /
- carbon allowance /
- legal attribute /
- enforcement
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