Localization of the Portability Right of Personal Health Data
摘要: 数据可携权的提法源自欧盟2016年《通用数据保护条例》,出于健康医疗领域数据来源者权利保护与数据资源共享的需求,我国也存在设立个人健康医疗数据可携权的现实必要性,但该权利设立面临立法、司法与数据安全方面的障碍。我国《个人信息保护法》第四十五条第三款首次规定了个人信息携带权,但仅作原则性规定,为个人健康医疗数据适用该条款留下了解释空间。信息与数据虽然存在内容与形式的区别,但根据有关理论与实践,将个人健康医疗数据归入可携权的客体范畴具有一定合理性与可行性。因此,建议参照适用《个人信息保护法》个人信息携带权的规定,并通过部门规章和司法解释明晰个人健康医疗数据可携权的行使条件和健康医疗数据安全保障义务,从而推进我国个人健康医疗数据可携权的设立及保障。Abstract: The formulation of data portability right originated from the 2016 General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union. In order to protect the rights of data source and share the data resources in the field of health and medical care, it is necessary to establish the personal health data portability right in China. However, the creation of this right faces legislative, judicial and data security obstacles. Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China stipulates the personal information portability right for the first time in Article 45(3). However, the provision only stipulates the principle, and leaves room for interpreting its application to personal health and medical data. Despite differences between information and data in content and form, it is reasonable and feasible to classify personal medical data as the object of portability. Therefore, the study suggests to refer to the provisions on the personal information portability right in Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China. Moreover, it should clarify the conditions for exercising the portability right of personal health and medical data and the obligations of guaranteeing health and medical data security through departmental rules and judicial interpretations. In this way, the establishment and protection of the portability right of personal health and medical data can be promoted.
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