Reconstruction of Juvenile Crime Hierarchical System and Optimization of Treatment System
摘要: 教育理念是我国处理罪错未成年人问题的基本原则,但目前立法及相应制度对教育理念的贯彻,主要体现在以预防未成年人犯罪为目的的提前教化,而忽略了对罪错未成年人的教育保护。构建科学的罪错分级处遇体系,不仅要实现“为了预防而教育”,更需要注重“为了保护而教育”。以预防性教育理念为核心所构建的罪错未成年人制度,还存在罪错行为分级界限模糊和非刑罚性教育措施不完善等问题。从预防性教育理念向保护性教育理念转变,是构建科学合理的罪错分级体系和阶层有序的处遇措施结构的基础。Abstract: Educational concepts are the fundamental principles to deal with the delinquent juveniles’ issues in China. However, the current implementation of legislation and relevant regulations on educational concepts is mainly embodied in the early indoctrination for the purpose of preventing juvenile delinquencies, while ignoring the protections for delinquent juveniles. The construction of a scientific delinquency classification treatment system not only requires realizing the “education for prevention”, but also requires to focus on the “education for protection”. The system of delinquent juveniles, which is based on the concept of preventive education, still has some problems, such as the unclear gradational boundaries and the deficient non-penalty educational measures of the current legislation on the delinquent behaviors of juveniles in China. The transformation from the concept of preventive education to that of protective education is the basis to construct a scientific and rational delinquency classification system and a treatment structure with orderly stratum.
Key words:
- delinquent juveniles /
- education concept /
- sin fault classification /
- treatment system
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