Attitudinal Meanings of Chinese Insect Vernacular Names from the Perspective of Ternary Interactive Language Niche
摘要: 昆虫汉语俗名属于中国民间的昆虫指称语,形成于体验认知与现实环境的互动之中,常被赋予强烈的感情色彩,反映并建构了昆虫、人、环境的关联性。文章聚焦瓢虫与蜚蠊的汉语俗名,以“现实—认知—语言”的三元互动及语言生态位为依托,建立三元互动生态位框架,从BCC语料库、词典、典籍、昆虫著述中搜集瓢虫俗名共37个,蜚蠊俗名共30个,从而分析两者汉语俗名中的隐性态度及其产生的认知理据及环境因子,并基于“生态审美”哲学观揭示其生态性质。研究表明,瓢虫、蜚蠊俗名所引发的态度资源均以鉴赏为主,而俗名的态度极性在认知机制与环境因子的互动中产生并呈现出多样性,其中瓢虫俗名以积极、中性为主,蜚蠊以消极、中性为主。究其生态内涵及生态性质,两类昆虫在自然因子影响下的转喻式俗名富有体现生态有益性的生态美学智慧;文化、社会因子影响下的隐喻及隐转喻式俗名存有对“生态审美”哲学观的背离,带有生态模糊性与破坏性。文章从昆虫汉语俗名中反思人与昆虫的关系有利于重构人们对昆虫的认知并推动命名的生态化。Abstract: As Chinese folk appellations, Chinese insect vernacular names are formed in the interaction between embodied cognition and the realistic environment, and are endowed with strong attitudinal meanings that mirror and construct the interdependence of insects, humans and the environment. Focusing on 37 Chinese vernacular names of ladybugs and 30 names of cockroaches collected from the BCC corpus, dictionaries, classics and insect writings, this study builds a ternary interactive language niche based on the ternary interaction of “reality-cognition-language” and language niche, so as to analyze the implicit attitudes, cognitive mechanisms and environmental factors of the Chinese vernacular names of the two, with the ultimate aim of revealing their ecological attributes based on the ecosophy of “ecological aesthetics”. The study concludes that appreciation resources within the Chinese vernacular names of ladybugs and cockroaches rank at the top, and the cognitive mechanisms and environmental factors that influence the formation of their names result in different attitudinal values. Ladybug names tend to have positive or neutral potentials, while cockroach names tend to be negative or neutral. As for the ecological connotations and attributes embedded in their names, metonymic names under the influence of natural factors are full of ecologically beneficial aesthetic wisdom, while some metaphorical and metaphtonymic names under social or cultural factors betray to some extent ecological aesthetic ecosophy, thus being ecologically ambivalent or destructive. This article provides intriguing insights into human-insect relationships based on Chinese insect vernacular names. It is conducive to reconstructing people’s cognition of insects and promoting ecological naming practices.
Key words:
- insect names /
- attitudinal meaning /
- ternary interaction /
- niche /
- ecosophy
图 1 三元互动生态位框架图
图 2 瓢虫、蜚蠊俗名态度意义. (a) 瓢虫;(b)蜚蠊
表 1 瓢虫、蜚蠊的汉语俗名汇总表
类别 汉语俗名 瓢虫 花大姐 花姐姐 花妞妞 看麦娘 花花姑 花豆娘儿 小媳妇 花媳妇 新姑娘 花姑娘 麦大夫 花和尚 花姑嬢儿 新娘子 红娘 瓢虫 花花叫 花毛巾 花手绢 淘箩虫 放羊娃 花魁 乌龟虫 金虫 七星花鸡 送饭牛 半拉豆碴 半边豌豆虫子 金花虫 花乌龟 花裹肚儿 花箩虫 硬壳虫 盖子儿虫 (花)壳子虫 乌龟仔 龟仔 瓢虫蜚蠊 香娘子 油贼婆 偷油婆 虼蚱婆 茶婆虫 灶蠊子 灶蟋蟀 黄贼 赃郎 蟑螂 蟑火螂 小强 油盐虫 油虫 滑虫 灶鸭 甴曱 黄嚓 虼蚱 蛸蛱虫 家猎 臊甲 蟑虫 负盘 石姜 老蟑 蟑木虫子 灶马子 𧑎 虼𧑎 表 2 俗名认知机制与态度意义、环境因子的Fisher精确检验
昆虫俗名 类别 子类 认知机制 总计 P 转喻 隐喻 隐转喻 态度
极性积极 1(20.00) 2(20.00) 17(77.27) 20 消极 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 1(4.55) 1 0.001** 瓢虫
俗名中性 4(80.00) 8(80.00) 4(18.18) 16 环境
因子自然 5(100.00) 8(80.00) 4(18.18) 17 社会 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 3(13.64) 3 0.000** 文化 0(0.00) 2(20.00) 15(68.18) 17 总计 5 10 22 37 态度
极性积极 1(11.11) 1(9.09) 0(0.00) 2 消极 1(11.11) 8(72.73) 7(70.00) 16 0.016* 蜚蠊
俗名中性 7(77.78) 2(18.18) 3(30.00) 12 环境
因子自然 7(77.78) 2(18.18) 3(30.00) 12 社会 0(0.00) 2(18.18) 4(40.00) 6 0.036* 文化 2(22.22) 7(63.64) 3(30.00) 12 总计 9 11 10 30 -
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