The Constitutional Basis of the Legal Interest: A Review of the Sub-provisions of the Criminal Law
摘要: 法益概念是自然法世俗化和自由主义作用于刑法(学)后的产物,其创设意在划定刑事可罚性之界限,以此限制公权力、保障人权。然而,法益的发展历程却始终存在着价值空洞化、概念精神化等弊端,导致其沦为立法者扩张刑罚权之工具。现今刑事立法之正当性检验仍离不开法益,然单纯依靠传统的法益概念所能发挥的作用是极为有限的。宪法的实质法治国精神、最高的法律效力以及高度开放与包容的性质决定了,法益只有依附于宪法才能真正发挥出法益保护原则之规范效力。故文章先通过梳理法益理论发展历程中所存在的问题,探寻法益保护原则失效之成因;然后证立唯有以宪法为基础方可振兴法益保护原则;进而在宪法精神的指导下以基本权为核心重塑法益体系;最后,通过以宪法为导向的法益理论检视我国现行刑法分则条文。Abstract: The concept of legal interest is the result of the secularization of natural law and the effect of liberalism on criminal law, and its creation is intended to delineate the boundaries of criminal punishability, so as to limit public power and protect human rights. However, the development process of legal interest always has some drawbacks, such as value hollowing out and concept spiritualization, which makes it become a tool for the legislator to expand the penalty power. Nowadays, the legitimacy test of criminal legislation is still inseparable from the legal interest, but relying solely on the traditional concept of legal interest can play a very limited role. The essence of the constitution is the spirit of the rule of law, the highest legal effect and the highly open and inclusive nature of the constitution determine that only by relying on the constitution can the legal interest protection principle give full play to its normative effect. Therefore, this paper explores the causes of the failure of the protection principle of legal interests by sorting out the problems existing in the development process of the theory of legal interests. Then it proves that only on the basis of the constitution can the principle of protecting legal interests be revitalized. Then under the guidance of the spirit of constitution, the system of legal interest is rebuilt with the core of fundamental rights. Finally, the article examines the current provisions of the criminal law of our country through the theory of legal interests oriented by constitution.
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